You can use this report to delete personnel numbers permanently from thelive system. The report provides a double verification principle in theform of two roles: the "Requester" of a deletion and the "Person WhoPerforms Deletion". For both roles, the authorization objectP_DEL_PERN was created with two characteristics:one for the requester of a deletion and one for the final person whoperforms the deletion.

The personnel number is deleted permanently using theRPUDELPN report.


  • The user of the report requires access authorization to all HR infotypes
  • of all personnel numbers.
    • If the report is not started in the live system/client, a warning
    • message appears. The report can still be used however, although theRPUDELPN report can be used there directly to deletepersonnel numbers.

      Depending on whether the user has one or none of the two roles mentionedabove, the user has various ways of using the report:

      • Neither of the aforementioned roles is assigned to the user:

      • The user can view the current Deletion Status ofone or all personnel numbers that are saved in theHRPAD_DELPN table. To display the status of allpersonnel numbers, the "Personnel Number" field must remain empty in theselection screen.
        • "Request Deletion" role:

        • The user can see the current deletion status (see above).
          In addition, the user can request the deletion of a personnel number orwithdraw the request for a deletion that has not yet been executed.
          • "Execute Permanent Deletion" role

          • The user can see the current deletion status (see above).
            In addition, the user can reject the request for a deletion that has notyet been executed or perform the actual deletion.
            Users can perform the deletion only if they did not submit the requestfor the deletion themselves.
            It is possible to have authorization for both roles.

            The following example explains the deletion process:
            The "requester" requests the deletion of a personnel number using thisreport.
            In the HRPAD_DELPN table, therequest status is saved for this personnel number.
            The "person who performs the deletion" deletes the personnel number.
            In the HRPAD_DELPN table, thedeletion flag status is saved for this personnelnumber.
            The RPUDELPN report is called.
            The system checks whether the deletion flag status is the current statusof the personnel number. If this is not the case, the deletion isrejected.
            The deletion is executed.
            Once the personnel number has been deleted successfully, the status isupdated in the HRPAD_DELPN table.
            The personnel number can now be reassigned. Only theHRPAD_DELPN table contains a reference to the factthat the personnel number had been previously assigned.

1295919RPUDELPN: Performance problems
989664Deleting personnel numbers in the production system
1131193RPUDELPP: Test action "Delete" not possible