SAP Program RPUC_UMKR_SAP - Set Default Values for Features

The report anonymizes table content that includes user names. It is notintended for use in customer systems. Only non-anonymized names arechanged.
At the moment, only the table Business features (T549B) issupported. The report reads the directory of the features entered in thefeature(s) field and sets the following fields back to thedefault value:

  • Person responsible for the structure

  • Default = Default user
    • Change opportunity indicator for the structure

    • Default =
      • Person responsible for the decision tree

      • Default = Default user
        • Change opportunity indicator for the decision tree

        • Default =
          • User name of the person to make the last change

          • Default = Default user
            You have the option of running the report in test mode. In this case,leave the indicator Test run set as proposed by the system.
            If you do not set the indicator Test run, the changes are writtenback to the table.

            The number of features changed is specified and then a list of thesefeatures is output.