SAP Program CACS_CTRTBU_MIGRATION_BZO - Migration of Commission Contracts to Portfolio Assignment (PFO)

Migration of commission contracts toportfolio assignment.

This program migrates commission contracts in the commission system(FS-CS) to portfolio assignment. Commission contracts are created inportfolio assignment as object kind ZO (assignment object) and objecttype 00CC (FS-CS: commission contract) according to the standarddelivery of the portfolio assignment scenario.


Based on the logic of portfolio assignment, the complete contracthistory is not transferred but only the active versions of thecommission contract (without any parked versions). However these aregrouped into a single portfolio assignment version. First, all activeversions of a commission contract are read. The earliest effective startdate (BUSI_BEGIN) and the latest effective end date (BUSI_END) of allactive versions make up the validity period of the portfolio assignmentversion.
Two methods of BAdI CACS_MIGRATION_BZO may be used to execute thisprogram. You can use method ADD_WHERE_CLAUSE_CTRTBU_ID if you wish toadd your own selection criteria to the standard selection options, forinstance to select by your own customer attributes.
You can also make additions to the standard-entry fields of theportfolio assignment structure for assignment objects PFO_S_ZO_0000 inmethod ADD_CUST_FIELDS_ZO if, for example, you wish to add customerenhancements to the structure.
Both methods should be implemented appropriately.

If portfolio assignment runs on another system, commission contracts are
created via Remote Function Call (RFC). Here you have to define the RFCdestination. If no entry is made, the system assumes that portfolioassignment runs on the same system as this program.
A corresponding entry (ORIGIN) has to be made in Customizing forportfolio assignment so that the portfolio assignment system knows thesystem where the objects originate. Specifying the original system ismandatory here.
The commission contracts of the commission application are selected.
You can select by commission contract number, standard contract numberand commission contract partner. If you want to select by other(customer-defined) attributes you may use methodADD_WHERE_CLAUSE_CTRTBU_ID of BAdI CACS_MIGRATION_BZO (see above).
Alternatively, you can create a default segment of object type 0CCS(comission contract) according to the standard portfolio assignmentscenario. This receives the effective key of the number of the migratedcommission contract.
The test run simulates the creation of commission contracts without anydata being written to the database.

The Test Run indicator is the standard setting. We recommendcarrying out the migration in test mode first. Only run the program inproductive mode if the log documents no errors.

The log details the commission contracts that were created withouterrors and those that could not be created.
You may repeat this program any number of times because commissioncontracts that have already been created cannot be created again.Portfolio assignment does not allow commission contracts to be createdtwice.