SAP Program RPUCCIG0 - HR-GB: Batch Input Copying of Company Car Infotype Records

This report allows you to create a batch input session to copy companycar infotype records. This is intended to aid start-of-year processing,enabling you to create company car infotype records for a single yearquickly and easily.
All details entered in the existing company car records will be carriedover to the new records, with two exceptions:

  • Start date

  • Expected business mileage

  • The start date of the new record is taken from the Validity beginf. copied recrds field. No entry is made in the Businessmileage field in the new records. On the selection screen, however,you can select one of three options for the actual business mileageband in the new records. This has the effect of changing the net carbenefit.

    All company car infotype records which are active for the date enteredin the parameter Validity begin f.copied recrds will be includedin the batch input session for the selected personnel numbers.

    The report produces a list of all infotype records included in thebatch input session. By choosing Batch input process., you canprocess the batch input session directly from the list.