SAP Program RPUBTXU1 - Copy Program for Experience Rates

This program will copy BTXRATE entry from current client to a differentclient.

Selection criteria and parameters

Specify a range of companies to be copied. Leave this field blank tocopy all companies.

Tax authority
Specify a range of tax authorities to be copied. Leave this fieldblank to copy all tax authorities.

Start Date
Specify a range of start date to be copied. Leave this field blank tocopy all start dates.

To client
Specify the target client to be copied to.

Check this checkbox to perform actual copy and database update to thetarget client. However, if the Modify checkbox is not checked, entrieswith existing keys in the target client will not be inserted. Only newentries will be inserted.

Check this checkbox to modify an existing entry in the target clientwith the same key. This option is useful if you need to make acorrection to an existing entry in the target client. To make use ofthis option, the Copy checkbox must be checked as well.

Check this checkbox to enable log printing.