SAP Program RPUBTCU0 - BSI Tax Calculation Test Program

Use this report to test:

  • Your RFC connection to BSI TaxFactory.

  • Whether TaxFactory configuration has been correctly set up.
  • Selection
    You can select the relevant BSI version for your system:

    • TaxFactory 6.0: This indicates BSI TaxFactory Version 6.0.

    • TaxFactory 7.0: This indicates BSI TaxFactory Version 7.0.
    • Output
      The report displays whether the TaxFactory configuration has beencorrectly set up. The report displays the tax authorities, tax types,taxable amount and the calculated tax - both for BSI TaxFactory Versions6.0 and 7.0.
      For BSI TaxFactory 7.0, the report also displays messages returned byBSI (if any).

779746Q&A: Master Note for BSI TaxFactory 7.0
308846FAQ: BSI 6.0 Troubleshooting Guide
214720DOC: SAP-BSI Tax Code Mapping
521206Q&A: Master Note for U.S. BSI Interface