SAP Programs

Program Text
RPU40CXH XPRA: convert old -> new screen headers
RPU40C_HRDSYS XPRA for HRDSYS prject (outputs requests for starting conversion)
RPU412R0 Initialisation PA0003 Create Infotype 0412
RPU43300 Initialisation of P0003-Viekn/Creation of Infotype View 0433 for IT 9
RPU43400 Initialisation of P0003-Viekn/Creation of Infotype View 0433 for IT 9
RPU43900 Restore IT0439 for BW Transfer of Payroll Data
RPU45AANSVH Conversion of work contracts (ANSVH)
RPU45AC0 HR-CH: Creation of payroll units and features
RPU45AC1 Creation of payroll units using features CHFI0 - CHDIZ
RPU45AJP_YTT Cluster YJ YTT conversion pgm due to family infty change 0148 -> 0021
RPU45AV0 Conversion of payroll results Norway - Release 4.5A
RPU45AW1 Conversion program South African Soc .ins. tables
RPU45AW2 Conversion for IT 151: Fill the new subtype field
RPU45AW3 Conversion program for SI exempt reason
RPU45A_SEQNR Conversion of Payroll Results for R/2 4.3 Customers
RPU45BC0 Conversion of initial values for data type change from P02_ACTIO
RPU45BI0 Report for consistency of infotype 0160-family allowance
RPU45BN1 PY NL: XPRA for Infotype External Agencies NL (P0409)
RPU45BW0 Car infotypes 32 - 442 data conversion
RPU46AC0 HR-CH: Conversion for Function Views of PF Administrator Interface
RPU46AC3 XPRA: Compensation Management
RPU46AD0_T5D3O XPRA: Set wage type for capital formation in T5D3O
RPU46AD0_T5DBR XPRA: Fill new fields (EINKG, VORKG) in T5DBR
RPU46AF0 Conversion of SI Tables and Infotypes
RPU46AF2 Conversion of payroll results for version 4.6A
RPU46AF4 Conversion of SI Tables and Infotypes
RPU46AI0 Conversion report of tables T5ITR1/T5ITRX
RPU46AJP_COMMUTER_IT Conversion commuting data in IT0014 and IT0015 to IT0559
RPU46AJP_COMMUTER_RJ Conversion program for commuting allowance WT in RJ
RPU46AJP_IT0145 XPRA Infotype 0145 taxation type (JP)
RPU46AJP_TT Cluster RJ - tax table TT TXTID conversion (JP)
RPU46AMCW Convert Matchcode W
RPU46AOCZ Convert feature PU136 in table T520CZ
RPU46ASBRPO Convert data for new field in infotype 0004
RPU46ASENT525A Maintenance of Tables T525M, T525N, T525O Acc. to Content of T525A
RPU46ASENT525G Maintain Tables T525P, T525S after Content of Table T525G
RPU46ASENT525Z Content Maintenance for Table T525Z After Entries T525A, T525I
RPU46AU0 Data Conversion Program for T5UTM, T5UTY
RPU46AW0 medical aid payment model conversion
RPU46AW1 Conversion of South African Tax Tables
RPU46AXP0036 XPRA: Infotype 0036 Filling the Fields INTBT and UVGPF
RPU46AXP0057 XPRA: Correction of field P0057-MGART
RPU46AXT513A XPRA for conversion of T513A to IT0105.
RPU46AXT588C XPRA: Conversion of field T588C-REFBG
RPU46A_PAYROLL_INFOTYPE Payroll infotype: start report for XPRA for country code 4.6A
RPU46BCAR XPRA report for company car infotypes (0222 and 0225)
RPU46BV0 HR: XPRA for removing IT0174 entries from T582A and T582L
RPU46BW0 Payroll conversion V0 split ammedments.
RPU46C01 XPRA: Proposal in Country Reassignment T582A-CPCMA
RPU46C02_CLST_PL Convert clusters PL on database PCL4/PCL2 to cluster P1/P2 on PCL4
RPU46CW1 Convert tax procedures 3 and 4 to valid procedures
RPU46CX_CENTRAL_PERSON XPRA: Conversion of Reference Personnel Numbers
RPU46CX_CENTRAL_PERSON_ONLINE XPRA: Conversion of Reference Personnel Numbers
RPU47001 Benefits - XPRA for Customizing of Dependent/Beneficiary Elgibility
RPU470BPBS XPRA to transfer Infotype 0662 to 0109 (Contract Elements Belgium)
RPU470T554S_ESSEX Convert T554S_ESSEX to T554S_WEB
RPU470WP0150 XPRA: Conversion of P0150-SUBTY for Medical Aid Late Joiners
RPU470_DSYS HRDSYS: Conversion of PHIO tables due to key enhancement
RPU470_P0001 XPRA: Infotype 0001 Filling new Customer Field for PAAP
RPU50APTUIF_MIGRATION Migration of TMW User Interface Framework to Basis Implementation
RPU50APTUIF_MIGRATION_TEST Test Report for 4.7 Migration of TMW User Interface Framework
RPU51000 Simple Standard Pay Increase for Indirectly Valuated Wage Types
RPU51000_OLD Simple Standard Pay Increase for Indirectly Valuated Wage Types
RPU510J0 Pay scale recreation (Japan)
RPU510J1 Utility program to delimit P0008 after pay sclae re-creation
RPU510N0 Simple Pay Scale Increase for Wage Types Determined Indirectly
RPU510Q0 Pay Scale Increase for the Family-Related Bonus
RPU510Q2 Conversion report for CHAR entries in T510Q
RPU510UR Conversion of Tables T510U / T510R into Table T510_PSRCL
RPU512W0 Convert Table T512W ( > Documentation)
RPU512WK Reference to RPU12W0C
RPU512WS Reference to RPU12W0S
RPU51HF0 Conversion table T5F1H for operation '?'
RPU51KD0 Conversion of Health Insurance Fund Tables for Nursing Insurance
RPU54AV0 Transfer of table entries from T5V4A to T5V4B
RPU599UA Reference to RPU99U0V
RPU5A1XB Auswertung der Umlagen und Beiträge
RPU5A2GA0 Hilfsreport zum Aktualisieren der Gemeindetabelle (T5A2G)
RPU5G100 Conversion of Table T5G10 to T5G30
RPU5XX0D Delete Table Generically (T512W, T512T, T599U)
RPU5XXXL Reference to RPU5XX0D
RPU600BT_CONV_RANGE_AA_RE XPRA: Conversion of BT; SAP Note 1314769; IDs AA to RE
RPU600BT_CONV_RANGE_RF_ZZ XPRA: Conversion of BT; SAP Note 1314769; IDs RF to ZZ
RPU600BT_CONV_SINGLE_CL XPRA: Conversion of BT; SAP Note 1314769; Single Clusters
RPU620E0 Conversion program for infotype 0062 new field QLAND
RPU97400 Initialization of Infotype 0003 and Creation of Infotype 0974
RPU99U0V Display T599U
RPUA79C0 HR-CH: Purge Individual Values PF Infotype (0279)
RPUABPG0 SSP/SMP Processing Conversion to 4.0B or higher
RPUABSATT00 XPRA for Filling the Internal Document No. (DOCNR) for Att./Absences
RPUABSATT50 XPRA for Filling Key Fields for Business Object in Att./Absences
RPUAC2G0 Dynamical Action on infotype 0000 (leave)
RPUACBC0 Account evaluation
Lines 39601 to 39700 of 57103 entries
1 395 396 397 398 399 572