SAP Program RPUBKBD0 - Const.Industry: Copy Social Fund Data Medium to Diskette

Social Fund: Download Data Medium to Diskette

You have used report RPCBKTD0 (Create SFP Data Medium) to create aTemSe object for each social fund. The TemSe object contains all SFPnotifications for the accompanying social fund.


Choose a social fund for which you want to create a data medium. Allavailable TemSe objects for the selected social fund are displayed forselection. They are displayed with the user name of the person whocreated the object and the date of creation.
Select the required TemSe object.
Choose Execute. The selected TemSe object can be copied to a local diskdrive (hard disk, diskette).

You have copied a TemSe object with social fund notifications. Thediskette can be sent to the social fund together with the letter thatwas created previously.