SAP Program RPUB2AI0 - Program for status change of PNs in a TemSe file

This program enables you to change the status of the PNs of a TemSEfile.
In order to do so, it is necessary to select the TemSE file to bechanged, indicating if the change is necessary for an INPS item only orfor all the PNs contained in the file.
Once the text identifying the PN(s) execution and the final status ofthe TemSE file is chosen, you run the program.
In consequence to this the program will:

  • update to "sent" the status of the PNs matching selection criteria;

  • publish the status change ("sent") in the B2A Manager program, if the
  • field Update B2A Manager flag had beenactivated;
    • associate the execution identifying text, if a a
    • name for the TemSE file had been entered and if this had never beenpublished in the B2A program.