SAP Program RPUASHG0 - ASHE Return

This report generates the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)record for submission to the Office for National Statistics.This record contains the employee details as on a particular date, whichincludes pay, hours of work, pension, job description and locationdetails.

You must maintain the following in the IMG under, Payroll GreatBritain -> ASHE :

  • Determine Whether the Employee is Permanent

  • Determine Whether Hourly Paid

  • Determine Whether Unpaid or Multiple Unpaid
  • Counting Class for Absence
    • Determine Whether Unpaid or Multiple Unpaid
    • Counting Class for Training
      • Determine Whether from Northern Ireland

      • Maintain Pension Type

      • Maintain Collective Agreement type

      • Assign pay and pension wagetypes to the relevant wage type groups
      • Activities
        From the SAP Easy Access menu, select Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Great Britain ->
        Subsequent Activities -> Annual -> Others -> ASHEReturn.
        The ASHE Return selection screen appears.
        Enter the relevant information.
        In the Processing Steps section, select:
        Step 1: Generation to generate the ASHE record in ALV format.
        If you are using Absence Quota infotype (2006) to handlevacation, you must enter the quota type in the Vacation Quota Type(optional) field. However, if you are using Leave Entitlementinfotype (0005), you must leave the field blank.
        Step 2: Delete Generated record (optional) to delete any existingrecord.
        Step 3: Modify Generated record (optional) to modify an existingrecord.
        Step 4: Extraction to generate the ASHE record in ALV or TemSefile format. You can also save the record generated for submissionthrough tape or other means.
        Deselect P_Test in the Processing Options section to runthe report in live mode. By default Test Run is selected.
        If you are running the report for extraction of data, select the formatin which the system must generate the output in the Output Formatsection.
        To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
        The ASHE Return output screen appears. On this screen the systemdisplays the ASHE record for the selected employees.