SAP Program RPUAHVC0 - Import of New AHV Number to TemSe

As of July 1 2008, there is a new 13-digit AHV number that replaces theprevious 11-digit number.
The compensation funds keep the information on both AHV numbers for youas a list or if requested as a text file.
This report supports you with importing the text file into your systemin a TemSe and displaying the content.
The text file contains the following person data on the registeredemployee:

  • old 11-digit AHV number

  • new 13-digit AHV number

  • name

  • gender

  • date of birth
  • Integration
    You can use the report RPUAHVC1 to update the masterdata for your employee in the Social Insurance CH (0036)infotype.

    You have requested and received the text file from your relatedcompensation fund.

    The report provides you with the following:

    • TemSe:

    • Import
      Display content
      • Log:

      • You can check the import status.

        You can use the selection to choose the file name of the text file. Ifyou do not want to display the content, you can choose the TemSe.

        For more information, see the Web pages of the AHV-IV information pointat

1228344New AHV number: Error when importing AHV numbers in IT36
1141123New AHV number: New import and display report