SAP Program RPUADSPT0PBS - Upload of ADSE Health Treatment Data

You use this report to upload data related toADSE treatment groups andADSE treatment types to the system.
The data is provided by the government in an Excel file with the nameCompart_Reg_Livre_2004.xls. You typically only need to upload newdata once every three years.

The system stores the ADSE treatment groups and ADSE treatment types inthe ADSE Treatment Group (T5PPBS6G) and ADSE TreatmentType (T5PPBS6T) tables.
You can edit the data and create new ADSE treatment groups and ADSEtreatment types in Customizing for Payroll by choosingPayroll: Portugal -> Enhancements for Public Sector Portugal ->Health Expenses (ADSE/ADM) -> Define Treatment Groups and DefineTreatment Types.

You have saved the file in CSV format.