SAP Program RPU600BT_CONV_SINGLE_CL - XPRA: Conversion of BT; SAP Note 1314769; Single Clusters

The report is used to convert payroll results (cluster table PCL2) thatwere generated after 10/31/2008 in Release SAP Enterprise 4.70 or SAPECC 5.00.

See SAP Note 1314769 for more detailed information.

Field CTRNS exists in structure PC209 (payroll table BT).

In the selection screen, you can specify the client and the payrollcluster to be converted.
In field SRTFD, enter the following:
- to convert a single payroll result
the eight-digit personnel number followed by the five-digit sequencenumber, for example, 0012345600012
- to convert all payroll results for a personnel number
the eight-digit personnel number followed by a '*', for example,00123456*
- leave the field empty to convert all payroll results for allpersonnel numbers in the specified cluster
If the test indicator is selected, the database is not changed.

Leave the selection fields empty so that all data records are converted.Due to the large number of clusters, it is likely that an internalgeneration limit is reached and a notification is issued. You then needto run the report again for the missing payroll clusters.

As output, you see statistics for the processed data records.

You can run the report several times. However, incorrect data recordsare converted only once.

1321522XPRA, PCL2: Converting payroll data, Release 4.70 and 5.00
1410501XPRA, PCL2: extra tables in payroll result after conversion
1314769PCL2: Cluster conversion of BT in payroll results
1364320XPRA, PCL2: Corrections for conversion of BT