SAP Program RPU46CX_CENTRAL_PERSON_ONLINE - XPRA: Conversion of Reference Personnel Numbers

Initializing Central Persons in HR
As of release 4.6C, each employee is linked to a Central Personobject. This object creates a person and role concept. The employee isone of these roles.
In normal circumstances, the central person is automatically createdfor each new employee. However, the central persons and links for theexisting employee records must be initialized during the upgrade to4.6C (and higher).
This program creates the central persons for employee data, and thenlinks the employee to the relevant central person. This ensures thatall employees who are linked via reference personnel numbers or acountry reassignment, are also linked to the same central person.
As a rule, this program runs automatically during the upgrade. Ifproblems occur during the upgrade, you can also start this programonline once the upgrade has been completed. The program is able torecognize if data has been converted, and will only convert anyemployees who have not yet been converted.
If the employee data is distributed via ALE among more than one R/3system, a different process must be used. In this particular case, onlythe original system can be converted. The converted data must then becompletely distributed. The object types involved here are CentralPerson and the links (infotype 1001) A209 and B209.For more information on distributing employee master data, refer to thedocumenation on program RHALEINI.

1387935TDMS4HCM: SP03 - Note 9 - TEVEN Delete performance
1479690TDMS4HCM: Post processing error - Central Person generation
871937Unicode conversion: Language for object 'CP'
320425Incorrect name for central person