SAP Program RPU40A06 - XPRA HR Benefits: Fill new currency table and currency fields

This XPRA report is not an online report. It is a report which runsautomatically following a system upgrade.
If your system is 4.0 or younger, this report should already have runwhen your system was upgraded to 4.0.
If, for any reason, you decide to run this online, you will be doing soat your own risk.

This report does the following:

  • It lifts the benefit area and currency entries from the Benefit area
  • view (V_T5UB3) and recreates them in the new Benefit area currency view(V_T5UD3). The entries in Benefit area currency have the validitybeginning to the end of time.
    • It then inserts the currency, as now defined in the Benefit area
    • currency, into;
      the entries in the Criteria identifier view (V_T5UBY)
      and the amount fields on the Benefit infotype records.