SAP Program RPU31H00 - HR: Transfer Country Currencies to New Currency Tables


General description
In release 3.1H, two new tables (T500C and T500W) have been implementedin HR to prepare the system for the European Currency Union. Thesetables should support the use of several currencies at a later date.
Report RPU31H00 fills these tables in all clients except '000' with thecountries and currencies which are stored in the system at the time ofconversion (tables T001 and T005).
This report does not overwrite existing entries.

Internal report description
Report RPU31H00 executes the following actions for all clients in T000except '000'.
It fills the internal tables L001, L005 and LCURC with entries fromT001, T005 and TCURC respectively. This action is executed for allclients.
L001: all countries and relevant currencies
L005: all countries
LCURC: all currencies
The report recognizes incorrect entries in the T001 and outputs theappropriate messages. The following errors can occur:

  • Table T001 contains several entries for one country but with different
  • currencies.
    In the new tables, this country is assigned the first currency (inalphabetical order) which the report finds.
    • Table T001 contains an entry with an invalid country (no entry in
    • T005).
      This entry is not taken into account in the new tables.
      • Table T001 contains an entry with an invalid currency (no entry in
      • TCURC).
        This entry is not taken into account in the new tables.
        The internal tables I500C and I500W are then filled with entries fromtable L001; the LOW_DATE is used as the start date and the HIGH_DATE asthe end date.
        I500C: all countries and relevant currencies (in T500C format)
        I500W: all countries and relevant currencies (in T500W format)

        The report outputs the following log messages:

        • "Start XPRA RPU31HXX in client:" "mmm" " " " "

        • (Information message)
          • Several currencies for the country "xxx" (selected currency
          • "ccc")
            (Error message)
            Several currencies were found for one country in the client lastprocessed in table T001. In the new tables, the country 'xxx' isassigned the first (in alphabetical order) of these currencies (ccc).
            All other currencies that were found for this country are listed in thelog after this message.
            • "-> Several currencies for one country:" "xxx" "ccc" " "

            • (Error message)
              Several currencies are assigned to the country 'xxx' in table T001 inthe client last processed. One of these currencies is 'ccc'.
              • No entry in table "T005" for the "country" "xxx"

              • (Error message)
                Table T001 contains an entry with an invalid country (xxx). This entrywill not be taken into account when the new tables are filled.
                • No entry in table "TCURC" for "currency" "ccc"

                • (Error message)
                  Table T001 contains an entry with an invalid currency (ccc). This entrywill not be taken into account when the new tables are filled.
                  • "n" "of" "m" "lines inserted in T500C"

                  • (Success message)
                    Table T500C now has 'm' lines; 'n' new lines were appended.
                    • "n" "of" "m" "lines inserted in T500W"

                    • (Success message)
                      Table T500W now has 'm' lines; 'n' new lines were appended.