SAP Program RPTZKMN0 - Notifications of Sickness and Recovery

This report is used to print the forms required by the bodiesimplementing employee insurance schemes [UWV-instanties] and the laborconditions and absenteeism monitoring bodies [Arbodiensten] for thenotifications of sickness and recovery. The following forms can beprinted using this report:

  • Sickness Notification "Arbodienst"

  • Sickness Notification "UWV"

  • Preliminary Reintegration Plan

  • Recovery Notification "Arbodienst"

  • Recovery Notification "UWV"

  • 13th Week Sickness Notification for "UWV"

  • The system proposes the new forms by default, although the old ones canstill be used.

    The forms have been programmed in SAPscript and can be used as sampleforms as they have the same layout as the forms used by UWV and CommitArbo.
    The layout has only been tested for Hewlett Packard postscript printers.
    The report takes almost all data into consideration that is required bythe authorities for the various notifications. Some of the data is notrecorded in SAP and must be filled in on the form manually.
    "Arbodienst" Sickness Notification Form
    The "Arbodienst" Sickness Notification Form is printed if the followingthree conditions are met:

    • The "Arbodienst" Sickness Notification checkbox has been selected in the
    • selection screen.
      • The start date of the sickness record from infotype Absences
      • (2001), subtype Sick, falls within or before the selectionperiod.
        • The status of the sickness record in infotype Absences (2001) is
        • equal to "Notification of Sickness Created" (1)
          The following data is printed on the form:
          Employer Data
          The employer data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "Arbodienst"is stored in table Representing Legal Persons (T5N9P) or in therelationship table (T5N9R) with authority type 06. One exception is thefield "Plant Number", which has to be filled manually.
          Employee Data
          The employee data is derived from infotypes Personal Data (0002),Fiscal Data (0060), Addresses (0006), subtype "PermanentAddress" (1) and Family/Related Person (0021), subtype "Partner"(1). The field "Partner" is filled with the last name and name at birth.
          Work Relationship Data
          The work relationship data is derived from infotypes Actions(0000), Org. Assignment (0001) and Planned Working Time(0007). One exception is the field "EE Subgroup for Standby Workers",which needs to be filled manually.
          Sickness Notification Data
          The sicknes notification data is derived from the infotypes Absences
          (2001), subtype "Sick" and Maternity Protection (0080). The"Welfare Claimant Code" [code vangnetter] is printed in section "4Sickness Notification Data" and can be specified in infotypeExternal Agencies NL (0409). The sample form is based on theCommit Arbo form. As Commit Arbo uses other codes than GAK, the codes inExternal Agencies NL (0409) are converted as follows:
          GAK "1 - Statutory Maternity Leave" -> Commit Arbo "1 - Maternity Leave"
          GAK "2 - Organ Donation" -> Commit Arbo "5 - Organ Donation"
          GAK "3 - "Person Claiming Disability Benefit" [WAO'er] Returning to Workwith Sickness Benefit" -> Commit Arbo "4 - (ex-)WAO Situation"
          GAK 4 - "Person Claiming Disability Benefit" [WAO'er] Returning to Workwith Work Incapacity Pension [WAO/AAW]" -> Commit Arbo "4 -(ex)WAOSituation"
          GAK "5 - Unfit for Work as a Result of Pregnancy" -> Commit Arbo "2 -Unfit for Work as a Result of Pregnancy before Childbirth"
          GAK "6 - Unfit for Work as a Result of Childbirth" -> Commit Arbo "3 -Unfit for Work as a Result of Pregnancy after Childbirth"
          Codes that are not included on the list are not printed.
          Before 1 January 2006 the welfare claimants are converted once onlywithin the scope of the wage return using reportConversion of Infotype Wage Return (0808).
          Nursing Address Data
          The nursing address data is derived from infotypes Addresses(0006), subtype "Nursing Address" (6).
          The field "Name" is filled with the value from field "C/O". The field"Official Nursing Address", on the other hand, is not filled.
          Data Check
          This field is not filled automatically.
          The date entered is the system date.
          Sickness Notification Form "UWV"
          The Sickness Notification Form "UWV" is printed if the followingconditions are met:
          • The Sickness Notification "UWV" checkbox has been selected in the
          • selection screen.
            • The start date of the sickness record (p2001-begda) falls within the
            • selection period.
              • The status of the sickness record (p2001-zkmkt) is equal to "1"
              • Notification of Sickness Created
                • The notification of sickness is a "safety-net" case, i.e. qualifies for
                • sick pay [vangnet-geval]. For more information on safety-net cases,please refer to the relevant field in infotype External Agencies(0409).
                  The following data is printed on the form:
                  Employer Data
                  The employer data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "ExternalAgency" is stored in table Representing Legal Persons (T5N9P) orin the relationship table (T5N9R) with authority type 01.
                  Employee Data
                  The employee data is derived from infotypes Personal Data (0002),Fiscal Data (0060), Addresses (0006), subtype "1" and "6".The value in the field "Nursing Address/Institution" is derived fromfield "C/O" in infotype 0006.
                  Sickness Notification "UWV" Data
                  The Sickness Notification "UWV" data is derived from infotypesAbsences (2001) subtype Sick, External Agencies NL (0409)and Maternity Protection(0080). The values for field "Descriptionof Sickness" in infotype Absences (2001) must be definedin table Description of Sickness (T572B) according to theclassification system used by the LISV (codes relating to maternityprotection start with a G).
                  Employment Data
                  The employment data is derived from infotypes Actions (0000),Organizational Assignment (0001) and External Agencies NL(0409).
                  Disabled Employee Data
                  The data for 11.2 is derived from infotype External Agencies(0409), field Welfare Claimant (p0409-vangn).
                  Note! 11.1 is transferred from 11.2. If a "No" is transferredfrom 11.2 to 11.1, in exceptional cases it may have to be correctedmanually if it concerns a disabled employee who does not satisfy therequirements of 11.2.
                  11.3 is not filled as it concerns a subtype of infotype ExternalAgencies (0409) that can be customized.
                  The parameters Pay-Out Ratio for Sick Pay (T511K-DUKZG)andMaximum Waiting Days (T511K-DMWCT) from the payroll parametertable (T511K) are used in 11.4.
                  Payroll Data
                  The payroll data is derived from infotypes Planned Working Time(0007), Fiscal Data (0060), Social Insurance NL(0059),Organizational Assignment (0001) and Bank Details (0009).
                  The following questions are not answered: 13.1, 14, 16.2, 16.4-5, 17(piecework bonuses [tariefverdiensten], bonuses for additional hours[meerurenverdiensten], number of hours overtime in the past 13 weeks),18 and 21.
                  The following wage types are imported from the payroll cluster of thelast payroll run:
                  /3Z1: Gross Wage for Sickness Notification GAK (printed in field"Standard Gross Wage")
                  /3Z2: Other Wage for Sickness Notification GAK PP (printed in field"Incentive Wages")
                  /3Z3: Other Wage for Sickness Notification GAK MOP (also printed infield "Overtime Wage").
                  /3Z4: Commission Wage for Sickness Notification GAK (printed in field"Commission").
                  Preliminary Reintegration Plan Form
                  The preliminary reintegration plan is printed if the followingconditions are met:
                  • The "Preliminary Reintegration Plan" checkbox has been selected in the
                  • selection screen.
                    • Start Date of the sickness record (p2001-begda) lies in or before the
                    • selection period.
                      • The status of the sickness record (p2001-zkmkt) is not equal to "3"
                      • 13th Week/Preliminary Reintegration Plan Sent or "4"Notification of Recovery Sent.
                        • The employee's sick leave period is equal to or greater than the
                        • parameter MAX13 in table Payroll Parameters (T511K) andthe employee is not a "safety net" case. The sick leave period can be anuninterrupted period, but former sick leave periods can also be includedin the calculation if the employee reports sick within 28 days ofnotification of recovery.
                          The following data is printed on the form:
                          Employee Data
                          The employee data is derived from infotypes Personal Data (0002),Fiscal Data (0060), Addresses (0006), subtype "PermanentAddress" (1).
                          Employer Data
                          The employer data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "Arbodienst"is stored in table Representing Legal Persons (T5N9P) or in therelationship table (T5N9R) with authority type "06".
                          Labor Conditions and Absenteeism Monitoring Body [Arbodienst] Data
                          The Arbodienst data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "Arbodienst"is stored in table T5N9I or in the relationship table (T5N9R) withauthority type "06".
                          Work Incapacity Period
                          The data for the work incapacity period is derived from infotypesAbsences, subtype Sick.
                          Diagnosis and Reintegration
                          The data for diagnosis and reintegration from infotypes Absences,subtype Sick.
                          Recovery Notification Form "Arbodienst"
                          The Recovery Notification is printed if the following conditions aremet:
                          • The Recovery Notification Form "Arbodienst" checkbox has been selected
                          • in the in the selection screen.
                            • The end date of the sickness record (p2001-endda) falls within the
                            • selection period.
                              • The status of the sickness record (p2001-zkmkt) is not equal to "4"
                              • Notification of Recovery Sent, or "5" Case Will Be FollowedUp.
                                • If you do not enter a selection period, the start date is set to
                                • 01.01.1800 and the end date to 31.12.9999, after which all cases ofsickness created within this selection period are transferred. As aresult no recovery notification can be created for current cases ofsickness.
                                  The following data is printed on the form:
                                  Employer Data
                                  The employer data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "Arbodienst"is stored in table Representing Legal Persons (T5N9P) or in therelationship table (T5N9R) with authority type "06".
                                  Employee Data
                                  The employee data is derived from infotypes Personal Data (0002)and Fiscal Data (0060).
                                  Recovery Notification Data
                                  The Recovery Notification data is derived from infotypes Absences(2001), subtype "Sick".
                                  This field is not filled automatically.
                                  The date entered is the system date.
                                  Recovery Notif. "UWV"/Change of Working Percentage Form
                                  The Recovery Notification is printed if the following conditions aremet:
                                  • The "Recovery Notification/Change of Working Percentage" checkbox has
                                  • been selected in the selection screen
                                    • The end date of the sickness record (p2001-endda) falls within the
                                    • selection period
                                      • The status of the sickness record (p2001-zkmkt) is not equal to "4"
                                      • Notification of Recovery Sent, or "5" Case Will Be FollowedUp.
                                        The following data is printed on the form:
                                        Employer Data
                                        The employer data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "UVI" (
                                        Change of Working Percentage form) or "Arbodienst" (Return toWork Notification form) is stored in table Representing LegalPersons (T5N9P) or in the relationship table (T5N9R) with authoritytype "01" (UWV) or "06" (Arbodienst).
                                        Labor Conditions and Absenteeism Monitoring Body [Arbodienst] Data
                                        The Arbodienst data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the external agency "Arbodienst" is storedin tabel T5N9I or in the relationship table (T5N9R) with authority type"06".
                                        Employee Data
                                        The employee data is derived from infotypes Personal Data (0002)and Fiscal Data (0060).
                                        Recovery/Expansion of Work Data
                                        Only work schedule data is entered. The data is derived from infotypePlanned Working Time (0007).
                                        Form 13th Week Sickness Notification
                                        The 13th Week Sickness Notification is printed if the followingconditions are met:
                                        • The "13th Week Sickness Notification" checkbox is selected in the
                                        • selection screen.
                                          • The start date of the sickness record (p2001-begda) lies in or before
                                          • the selection period.
                                            • The status of the sickness record (p2001-zkmkt) is not equal to "3"
                                            • 13th Week/Preliminary Reintegration Plan Sent
                                              or "4" Notification of Recovery Sent.
                                              • The employee has a sick leave period equal to or longer than the
                                              • parameter MAX13 in table Payroll Parameters (T511K) andthe employee is not a "safety-net" case. The sick leave period can be anuninterrupted period, but former sick leave periods can also be includedin the calculation if the employee reports sick within a period of 28days of notification of recovery, or if a sickness period immediatelyprecedes and follows on from the maternity protection and the maternityleave period and the sickness has one and the same cause.
                                                The following data is printed on the form:
                                                Employee Data
                                                The employee data is derived from infotypes Personal Data(0002),Fiscal Data(0060), Addresses(0006), subtype "PermanentAddress"(1).
                                                Employer Data
                                                The employer data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the representing legal person "Arbodienst"is stored in table Representing Legal Persons (T5N9P) or in therelationship table (T5N9R) with authority type "06".
                                                Labor Conditions and Absenteeism Monitoring Body [Arbodienst] Data
                                                The Arbodienst data is derived from Central Address Management. Thecorresponding address key for the external agency "Arbodienst" is storedin tabel T5N9I or in the relationship table (T5N9R) with authority type"06".
                                                Work Incapacity Data
                                                The work incapacity data is derived from infotypes Absences,subtype Sick and subtype Maternity Leave.
                                                Notification status and creating a batch input session for a "STATUSUpdate"
                                                All sickness notifications for the period selected are taken intoconsideration. The status of the notification (field P2001-ZKMKT)determines which forms are printed. For more information please refer toto the documentation of the relevant data element:P05_ZKMKT .
                                                In addition to the forms, a batch input session is created that changesthe status of the sickness records. In this way, one can prevent formsthat have already been sent from being printed again.
                                                If you wish to specify the diagnosis code and description of thesickenss on the preliminary reintegration plan, they must comply withthe classification system used by the Arbodienst and SI (CAS code).
                                                Additional Data
                                                Subtype Indicator for Sickness
                                                In this field you enter the subtype of infotype Absences (2001),where cases are recorded.
                                                Subtype Indicator for Maternity Leave
                                                In this field you enter the subtype of infotype Absences (2001)where maternity leave is recorded. This field is applicable as of 1September 2005 and is used to connect sick periods if a sickness periodimmediately precedes and follows on from the maternity protection andthe maternity leave period and the sickness has one and the same cause.
                                                Personnel Subarea for Standby Workers
                                                In this field you enter the personnel subarea to which standby workersare assigned in the system.

                                                The forms used can be modified. See the IMG step Notifications of Sickness and Recovery. A number of other steps thatare necessary for reporting to "UWVs" and "Arbodiensten" are alsoincluded.

                                                The following name formats are used in the SAP standard software:

                                                • "00",,Standard Name Format

                                                • "01",,Name Format for the "Recovery Notification"

                                                • "02",,Name Format for the "Reintegration Plan"

                                                • "03",,Name Format for Married Women

                                                • "04",,Name Format for Spouse

                                                • "05",,Name Format for Married Women Including Name of Spouse

                                                • Below please find an explanation of which name format is applicable towhich form:
                                                  • "Sickness Notification" form (HR_NL_VERZ_ARBO)

                                                  • Field "Name",,,,,,format "00"
                                                    Field "Name Spouse",,format "04"
                                                    • Sickness Notification Form "UWV" (HR_NL_AAO_GAK)

                                                    • Field "Name (Maiden Name for Married Women)",,format "01" or "03"
                                                      Field "Name of Spouse for Married Women",,,,format "04"
                                                      • "Preliminary Reintegration Plan" form (HR_NL_V_INTEGR)

                                                      • Field "Name and Initial (Maiden Name for Married Women),,format "02" or"03"
                                                        • "Recovery Notification/Change of Working Percentage" form
                                                        • (HR_NL_BETER_UVI)
                                                          Field "Employee Name",,format "01" or "05"
                                                          • "13th Week Sickness Notification" form (HR_NL_ZA_13_W)

                                                          • Field "Name (Maiden Name for Married Women)",,format "00" or "03"
                                                            Field "Name of Spouse",,,,,,,,,,format "04"
                                                            In the Implementation Guide for Personnel Administration you mustcomplete the following steps under Personal Data -> Name Format:
                                                            Define Name Format
                                                            Assign a Name Format To Programs
                                                            Note that with reference to Notifications of Sickness and Recovery(RPTZKMN0) the name format cannot be controlled for eachemployee individually using field Name Format Indicator (
                                                            P0002-KNZNM) in infotype Personal Data (0002).