SAP Program RPTQTA10 - Display Absence Quota Information

Display Absence Quota Information

The report creates overviews of employees' absence quotas according tovarious aspects. For example, you can display employees' remainingquota entitlement within a specific interval.

Scope of functions

  • You can limit the absence quotas that are evaluated by specifying
  • additional selection criteria. You can choose which quota types areavailable for evaluation with which time units and which deductionperiods.
    • As well as current quota statuses, you can display past or future
    • statuses. To do this, you specify a key date for deduction andKey date for entitlement on the selection screen. The data isused as follows for the evaluation:
      If a selected employee has an absence quota that is available forevaluation
      His or her quota entitlement up to the Key date for entitlementand
      His or her deduction from the quota, remaining quota, and compensationup to the Key date for deduction are calculated.
      • You can make a Projection of quota statuses for a future date if
      • you want to inform your employees about their expected leaveentitlement. If the key dates (entitlement and/or deduction) for aselected employee are after or the same as the recalculation date forPDC in the Payroll Status infotype (0003), switching on theprojection triggers time evaluation for the employee (RPTIME00 insimulation mode).
        • You can limit the selection of employees using the selection screen.
        • For example, you can display a list at the end of the year showingremaining entitlement and compensation for each employee.
          • If there are transfer pools (that is, absence quota records) for the
          • selected employees and quota types on the key date for entitlement
            , which have not been transferred to the Absence Quotasinfotype (2006), you can choose Transfer pools to display a listshowing the complete transfer pool for each employee and quota type onthe key date for entitlement.
            • The results are displayed as a list containing the following data:

            • Personnel number
              Entitlement (total entitlement)
              Used up to deduction key date
              Compensated up to deduction key date
              Total remainder (= Remainder on deduction key date - requested fromdeduction key date - compensated from deduction key date).
              You can modify the output list to your requirements in dialog. Forexample, you can add columns to the list (other quota data such asvalidity period or total used), hide columns, sort datawithin a column, or set filters. You can save your version of the listas a display variant, then call it from the selection screen using theDisplay variant.
              • You can form subtotals of the numbers fields interactively for one or
              • more columns in the output list, for example, if you want to comparethe results of individual cost centers.
                • You can call detailed information for each line in the list, for
                • example, on an employee's organizational assignment.
                  • You can display an error list showing all errors that have occurred.
                  • The list contains the type of error message, the personnel number forwhich an error occurred, and the error text.
                    • You can send the list by mail, or download it to Excel or Word for
                    • further processing.

                      Limit selection of employees
                      Under Display, you can limit the selection of employees asfollows:

                      • All selected employees

                      • The output list also shows emmployees without selected absence quotarecords.
                        • Only employees with selected absence quota records

                        • The output list only shows employees to whom at least one of theselected quota records could be assigned.
                          You can limit the selection further:
                          Only employees with entitlement
                          Employees whose total entitlement is not equal to zero or is within thespecified period are selected.
                          Only employees with remaining entitlement
                          Employees whose remaining entitlement is not equal to zero or is withinthe specified interval are selected.
                          Only employees with compensation
                          Employees whose compensation is not equal to zero or is within thespecified interval are selected.
                          Only employees with quota used
                          Employees whose quota consumption is not equal to zero or is within thespecified interval are selected.
                          If conditions are set for the quota entitlement and theremaining quota, for example, only employees who fulfil bothconditions simultaneously are selected.
                          Form subtotals
                          If you choose Subtotal..., you can choose the columns for whichyou want subtotals to be formed for the number fields.
                          If quota with different time units appear on the list, you should forma subtotal for the unit column.
                          Obtain details on line
                          RESET N1
                          Select the relevant line.
                          Choose Details.
                          A dialog box appears displaying all relevant information on the line,for example, other quota data and information on organizationalassignment.
                          RESET N1
                          Display error list
                          RESET N1
                          Choose Error list.
                          A list appears showing all errors that have occurred.
                          To get back to the initial list, choose Back.
                          RESET N1
                          Execute mail function
                          RESET N1
                          Choose Send...
                          Enter a user name as recipient.
                          Choose Send...
                          RESET N1

                          You want an overview of currently deductible absence quotas for theemployees in a particular personnel subarea. You also want to know thetotal entitlement from these absence quotas, sorted by cost center.
                          RESET N1
                          Call the selection screen for report RPTQTA10.
                          Choose Current year as the period.
                          Under Selection, enter the relevant personnel subarea in thePersonnel subarea field.
                          Under Quota selection, enter the current year as theDeduction period.
                          Choose Execute.
                          Choose Current display variant, and copy the Cost centerfield to the list.
                          Select the Cost center column in the list, and chooseSubtotal....
                          RESET N1