SAP Program RPTIMEOVERVIEW_REPLICATE - Trigger Distribution of Employee's Time Data Overview

This report starts the distribution of employee time data overviews.The time data overviews can either be transferred to the Time Sheet inthe Logistics System or to an external system.


  • Limit the period for which the time data overviews should be created.

  • In the Selection area, specify for which employees the time data
  • overviews should be created.
    • Choose the time types that should be taken into account in the time
    • data overviews.
      • Determine the receiver system, in which the time data overviews should
      • be distributed. This can be the Logistics System, for example, in whichthe Time Sheet is maintained.
        • Time data that was recorded by an external application, can not
        • be taken into consideration when determining the time data overview.Enter an applicable application.
          • If you want to delete the existing data from the database tables of
          • each target system before you save new data, then select the Deleteold data option.