SAP Program RPTCORSTOPWF - Clock-In/Out Corrections: End Open Processes

You can use this program to stop SAP Business Workflows for rejectedclock-in/out corrections.
It is often the case that employees do not process rejected clock-in/outcorrections any further and the related processes put undue load on thedatabase.
Once the workflow has been stopped, your employees can no longer processthe related clock-in/out corrections.

You use the SAP Business Workflow to have clock-in/out correctionsapproved.

The program provides the following functions:

  • You can decide the number of processed documents after which the program
  • updates the database of requests. If the lock table overflows when theprogram is run, choose a lower value.
    • You can double-click on a line of the log to branch to the
    • RPTCORDBVIEW program(Display Clock-In/Out Corrections (Database))to view the database.
      • You can choose whether you want the program to issue a detailed log. A
      • simple log is always output.