SAP Program RPTCCXDBDEL - Delete Time Events

You can use this report to delete all time events in the system. You canrun it only in a test system.
Note: Time events that you delete using this report are irretrievable.


  • The report lists all personnel and work time events that meet your
  • selection criteria and that are stored in the following tables:
    Interface table CC1TEV
    Interface table EVHR
    The TEVEN table, with data from the TEVEN_MORE table, as applicable.
    Combined view of the CC1ERH, CC1ERP, and CC1ERM tables (CC1ERx), whichcontain the data records that were unable to be transferred correctly tothe above-mentioned interface tables
    • In the overview, you can select the time events that you want to delete.
    • You then delete them by choosing the Delete button.
      • If you first want only an overview of the time events, you can run the
      • report in test mode.