SAP Programs

Program Text
RPTBAL00_CE Cumulated Time Evaluation Results: Time Balances/Wage Types
RPTBCH00 Initialization of COVER Table for Absence Refinement
RPTBOD00 Report for BUS2079 with Selection
RPTBOD10 Call for BUS3018 Screen Display
RPTBOD20 Display Time Balances
RPTBPC00 Generate Personal Calendar: International Version
RPTBPC10 Leave Accrual and Quota Deduction
RPTCC101 HR-PDC: Download HR Mini-Master
RPTCC102 HRPDC: Download Employee Time Balances
RPTCC103 HR-PDC: Download Attendance/Absence Reasons
RPTCC104 HRPDC: Download Permitted Employee Expenditures
RPTCC105 HR-PDC: Download Time Event Type Groupings
RPTCC106 HRPDC: Download Upload Request for Time Events
RPTCC107 HR-PDC: Download Cost Centers
RPTCC108 HRPDC: Download Projects (WBS Elements)
RPTCC109 HRPDC: Download Upload Request for Employee Expenditures
RPTCC110 HRPDC: Download Objects (such as Positions)
RPTCC111 HR-PDC: Download Internal Orders
RPTCCXDBDEL Delete Time Events
RPTCCXDBVIEW Complete List of All Time Events
RPTCCXTEST Test Data Transfer for Time Events
RPTCMP00 Time Leveling
RPTCONF0 HR-F: Employees Selected According to Remaining Leave
RPTCONF1 HR-F: Employee Selection According to Remaining Leave for PA70.
RPTCOR Test Environment for Clock-In/Out Corrections
RPTCORAPP Clock-In/Out Corrections: Approve Documents
RPTCORAPTEST Test Report: Area Page for Clock-In/Out Corrections
RPTCORDBDEL Clock-In/Out Corrections: Delete Obsolete Documents
RPTCORDBVIEW Display Clock-In/Out Corrections (Database)
RPTCOREMAIL Clock-In/Out Corrections: E-Mails to Involved Persons
RPTCORERR Clock-In/Out Corrections: Process Errors in Entries
RPTCORERR_ALL Clock-In/Out Corrections: Process Errors in Entries
RPTCORLIST Clock-In/Out Corrections: Check Corrections
RPTCORPOST Clock-In/Out Corrections: Post
RPTCORSTOPWF Clock-In/Out Corrections: End Open Processes
RPTCORTMAIL Clock-In/Out Corrections: Request Correction of Errors
RPTCORUIATEST Test Report for UIA Interface for Clock-In/Out Corrections
RPTD05P1 HR-PT: Get defaults for IT5 (ext. to features VAC19, BEG19 and END19)
RPTDAN00 Download Absence Reasons to DASS
RPTDOW00 Time Accounts
RPTDSH20 Daily Work Schedule
RPTEAB00 Attendance Check
RPTEB200 Example: PU12 Format TIME; Export ZL from Cluster B2
RPTEDCFI Maintain reference values
RPTEDIFI Import TEDI File from ADP
RPTEDO00 Download Mini-Master to Sequential File
RPTEDT00 Time Statement Form
RPTEDT00_NOLIST Direct to ABAP Memory for Output
RPTELVFI Bank Transfers
RPTEMFV0 Statistic on self-declared illness (egenmeld sykefravær)
RPTENT00 Time Recording for Multiple Persons and Infotypes
RPTERL00 Time Evaluation Messages Display
RPTERR00 Time Management: Error Handling
RPTEUP00 Upload Time Events from Sequential File
RPTEUP10 Upload Time Events
RPTEXTPT Transfer Time Data to HR Time Management
RPTEZL00 PDC Time Evaluation: Supply Third-Party Payroll System (Example)
RPTFBKN0 Individual selection overview
RPTFERV0 Check list for vacation
RPTFRVV0 Norwegian sickness statistics
RPTGENA0 Generate Personal Calendar: Austria
RPTGENE0 Personal Calendar Generation (E)
RPTGENF0 Create Calendar for Absences Due to Sickness
RPTIME00 HR TIME: Time Evaluation
RPTIME01 Time Evaluation for Concurrent Employment
RPTIMEOVERVIEW_DELREPLICA Delete Distribution of Employee's Time Data Overview
RPTIMEOVERVIEW_REPLICATE Trigger Distribution of Employee's Time Data Overview
RPTIMEPS Preselection for Time Evaluation for Concurrent Employment
RPTIST00 CC2: Transfer HR Actual Times to Logistics
RPTKOK00 Check Leave and Quota Deduction
RPTKUAA0 Kurzarbeitsbeihilfe gemäß § 27 Abs. 1 Lit. B. AMFG
RPTLEA00 Leave Overview
RPTLEA10 Display Cluster PC Table PURL of DB PCL1
RPTLEA30 Batch Input: Annual Leave
RPTLEA40 Overview Graphic of Attendances/Absences
RPTLEACONV Transfer of Remaining Leave from Infotype 0005 to Infotype 2006
RPTLEAD0 Leave accrual
RPTLEAP0 HR-PT: Leave Annual Summary
RPTLRPIF HR Interface -> LRP Availability Interface
RPTLSLQ0 Balance report for Prior Service
RPTLSLQR Prior Service LSL Balance Report
RPTMC_ADJUST_TM_RELATIONS Clean-Up of Inconsistent Successor and Talent Assignments
RPTMC_CONVERT_IDS Convert Employee IDs and Display Name
RPTMC_DR_TEST Data Retrieval Test
RPTMC_PROFILE_LAUNCHER Configure Web Dynpro Applications for Talent Profile
RPTMC_TP_SYNC_EDU_WE_CUST_RCF Customizing Synchronization of Talent Profile with Candidate Profile
RPTMSEFI Read and change TemSe file
RPTNSHA0 Nachtschwerarbeitsgesetz - NSchG
RPTOVTS0 Overtime report
RPTPBSR0 Leave scheme
RPTPDOC0 Transfer Additional Data for Activity Allocation to Accounting
RPTPDOC1 Delete Additional Time Data for Activity Allocation
Lines 39301 to 39400 of 57103 entries
1 392 393 394 395 396 572