SAP Program RPTARQDBDEL - Delete Leave Requests (Database of Requests)

You can use this program to delete leave requests in the database ofleave requests that your employees have submitted in the LeaveRequest Web application.
Before you use this program, read the report documentation. Data that isdeleted by this program is irretrievable. If you use the program in aproduction system, use it only for individual cases and exercise extremecaution.

The program reads data from the following tables:

  • PTREQ_HEADER (Request Header)

  • PTREQ_ITEMS (Request Items)

  • PTREQ_ACTOR (Request Participant)

  • PTREQ_NOTICE (Note for Request)

  • PTREQ_ATTABSDATA (Request Data for Attendances/Absences)
  • Features
    The program displays all requests that correspond to the selectioncriteria. You can delete one or more requests.
    The program displays only the latest version of a request. If you deletea request, however, the system deletes all versions of it. To displayall versions of a request, you can use theRPTARQDBVIEW program (Display LeaveRequests (Database of Requests)).

    As in other Time Management programs, the period and employee selectionis provided from the logical database PNP.

    Select the relevant leave requests and choose Delete.

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