SAP Program RPSPKR00 - Employee structure

The report creates a list which displays employee's membership toemployee groups and employee subgroups.
The evaluation occurs on a key date. The system suggests an evaluationfor the day's date under Key date.
Specify which employees should be evaluated under Selection. Youcan enter an individual personnel number or a range of personnelnumbers here. In the field Employment status is a default whichmeans that all employees with the following employment status areevaluated:

  • 1 = Employee is in the company, but has leave of absence

  • 2 = Employee is in the company, but is a pensioner

  • 3 = Employee is active in the company

  • You can further delimit the evaluation under Additional data.The following fields are available:
    • Nationality

    • Pay scale area

    • Pay scale type

    • Pay scale group

    • Pay scale level

    • The system default is an evaluation for both genders. You can also runa gender specific evaluation by selecting the appropriate gender.
      For more information on Further selections, Matchcodes,
      and Multiple Selection read the Report Selection Screenor The Complex Selection Function in the Report Selection Screenin the R/3 library under HR Human Resources -> PA PersonnelManagement -> PA Personnel Administration -> Procedures in PersonnelAdministration -> Master Data and Reporting -> The Report SelectionScreen in the HR Management System -> Report Selection Screen orThe Complex Selection Function in the Report Selection Screen.

      The evaluation creates several lists which are displayed successively.

      • Employee grp:

      • An individual list is created for each employee group if the evaluationincludes many employee groups, i.e.:
        Employee grp: 1 Active
        Employee grp: 2 Retiree/pensioner
        The corresponding EG (Employee Group) is displayed in the firstcolumn of the list. In the second column, the employee subgroups thatbelong to the employee group are listed. In the next column the numberof employees and the percentage this represents per employee subgroupis listed: these values are listed both according to gender andirrespective of gender. The average seniority age and the average ageare listed in the last two columns (Senrty and Age).
        • Summary of all employee groups

        • This list is always output irrespective of how many employee groupshave been evaluated. The absolute numbers and the percentage numberswhich are displayed in this list relate to the all evaluated employeegroups.
          • The evaluation RPSPKR00 includes

          • This list specifies the number of people that the system took intoaccount for the evaluation.
            • Error messages

            • This list is output when the system finds personnel numbers thatcontain errors. The personnel numbers that the system could notevaluate are then listed. For every personnel number that is displayedan error text is output which informs you why the number could not beevaluated.

              You want to know which employee subgroups are contained in the employeegroup Active.