SAP Program RPR706HD - RPR706HD: Delimitation of Entries in Table T706H

This report is used to delimit entries in table T706H. According to theselection criteria entered, all entries valid on the date ofdelimitation are delimited to this date.
If the entries valid for the date entered are to be delimitedunconditionally, the parameters: trip provision variant, enterprise-specific trip type, trip country and domestic/international must be setat 'initial'.
A distinction between domestic and international is only made if
'domestic/international' is set at either 'D' (domestic) or 'I'(international).
To protect table T706U from unintentional delimitations, the report canbe started in a test run. This test run delivers a 'log' which printsold records that have not yet been delimited darker than the delimitedrecords. The report should not be started with 'test run = SPACE' untilthis log shows the entries wanted.
After this report has been run successfully, table maintenance for newtable entries can begin. The 'start date entries' should equal(delimitation date + 1 day).
Table maintenance is simplified considerably by the report RPR706HC!
By means of 'slight' modifications, the fields statutory trip type,trip activity type, statutory M/A reimbursement group and enterprise-specific M/A reimbursement group can be activated as selectionparameters.