SAP Program RPQCUTR1 - Compare PCL4 and Temse files for tax reporter

This report is used to compare tax reporter results, either PCL4 orTemse. User must input the following on the selection screen:

  • Selection screen

  • Input old form numner, e.g. 900400
    Input file directory of old PCL4 file, e.g. c:\temp.
    Input new tax form number on the selection screen
    • Program looks for old PCL4 data from the local machine file (e.g.
    • c:\temp1\PCL4.90040) and compares them with the PCL4 data of from thenew tax form number
      • Selection screen

      • Input old form numner, e.g. 900400
        Input file directory of old PCL4 file, e.g. c:\temp.
        Input tax form of the Temse object, e.g. HR_F_W2_SSCR_STS
        Input the tax authority of the Temse object, e.g. FED
        Input new Temse onject name, e.g. HR_CTXFU0_0000002653
        • Program looks for old Temse data from the local machine file (e.g.
        • c:\temp\HR_F_W2_SSCR_STS.FED.900400) and compares it against the
          data in the Temse object.

          The old tax reporter results are stored in files of local machine.
          Please refer to the document of RPQCUTR0.

          There can be the following forms of output:

          • Detailed information: list the old and new data. The differences are
          • marked with red color. For Temse comparison, you can double click onthe red spot to get the structure information of this field.
            • Mail notice: A mail will be sent when there is no difference
            • (successful) and/or there is difference (failed). If failed, thedifference will be listed in the mail.
              • The SAP parameter '$TR' will be set to '0' if successful and '1' if

              • failed.