SAP Program RPM_FICO_DATA_TRANSFER - FICO Data transfer to SAP PPM system

You use this report to transfer data from SAP Financials and Controlling(FI-CO) to the SAP Portfolio and Project Management system for thelinked PS project elements, as well as to perform financial and capacityplanning and rollup at portfolio item level. Portfolio item, in thiscase, refers to portfolio item as well as item of initiative.

The Project System (PS) is integrated with the SAP Portfolio and ProjectManagement system to retrieve financial and capacity data from SAPFI-CO.
The financial planning information is calculated based on the following:
The financial and capacity data that is obtained from the SAP FI-COsystem of the underlying base Project System (PS), based on theintegration link defined between the portfolio item and the differentWBS elements (WBS, network, network activity, and so on) of the ProjectSystem
The capacity data that is maintained for a role or resource for thecorresponding project of the item
The capacity planning data that is maintained for the item

You have configured the RFC destination for the Project System.
You have linked the portfolio item with the PS project element for theFI-CO integration in SAP Portfolio and Project Management system.
You have defined the mapping of the data movement for the various costelements and role functions in the SAP Portfolio and Project Managementsystem by choosing SAP Portfolio and Project Management -> PortfolioManagement -> Base System Interfaces -> Capacity Planning Settings ->Define Capacity Planning Settings and SAP Portfolio and ProjectManagement -> Portfolio Management -> Base System Interfaces ->Financial Planning Settings -> Define Financial Planning Settings.


RFC Destination for SAP Portf. and Proj. Mgmt
RFC destination system of the SAP Portfolio and Project Managementsystem that has been linked to the SAP Project System.

Portfolio/Bucket Selection
Here you select the corresponding portfolio or bucket ID.

Date Selection
Forecasted Date: Select a range of forecasted dates. If you donot enter a value, the forecasted date is ignored.
Planned Date: Select a range of planned dates. If you do notenter a value, the planned date is ignored.
Actual Date: Select a range of actual dates. If you do not entera value, the actual date is ignored.

Item-Specific Selection
Item ID: Select a range of item IDs. If you do not enter a value,the item ID is ignored.
Item Type: Select a range of item types. If you do not enter avalue, the item type is ignored.
Item Status: Select a range of item statuses. If you do not entera value, the item status is ignored.

Plan Version
Here you can maintain the cost version of FI-CO costs that should beretrieved during the FI-CO integration.

General Options
Test Mode: To indicate a simulation run, select the Test Mode
checkbox. You use this function to check whether errors occurredduring the execution of the report.
Trigger Bucket Rollup: To trigger the bucket rollup processduring the cost transfer, select this checkbox. If you want to transferthe cost without performing rollup to the bucket hierarchy in the SAPPortfolio and Project Management system, leave this checkbox unselected.