SAP Program RPMTRNS0 - Report of Match Routine for Swedish Sickness Requiring Manual Checks

This report determines if there is a discrepancy in the recordsmaintained in the following subtypes of Absences infotype (2001):

  • Subtypes 610 and 410

  • Subtypes 610 and 411

  • The report displays a list of employees with discrepancies in thesickness absences records.


    • Enter the period for which you want to run the report.

    • Select the employee(s) for whom you want to run the report.

    • Enter the subtypes whose sickness absence records the report must
    • compare.

      The report displays the following information for the selectedemployees:

      • Personnel number

      • Employee name

      • Start Date of sickness

      • This is the Start Date for a sickness absence as maintained in subtype410 or 411 of Absences infotype (2001).
        • End Date of sickness

        • This is the End Date for a sickness absence as maintained in subtype410 or 411 of Absences infotype (2001).
          • Number of Sickness Days

          • These are the number of sickness absence days based on the sicknessabsence record maintained in subtype 410 or 411 ofAbsences infotype (2001).
            • Start Date (Sickness Administration Tool)

            • This is the Start Date for a sickness absence as maintained in subtype610 of Absences infotype (2001).
              • End Date (Sickness Administration Tool)

              • This is the End Date for a sickness absence as maintained in subtype610 of Absences infotype (2001).
                • Number of Sickness Days (Sickness Administration Tool)

                • These are the number of sickness absence days based on the sicknessabsence record maintained in subtype 610 of Absencesinfotype (2001).
                  The report displays a list of only those employees for whom there aredissimilar records in the compared subtypes of Absences infotype(2001).
                  You can use this report to check for such discrepancies.
                  If all the sickness records match, the report displays an Allsickness entries correct message.

                  On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Sweden -> Subsequentactivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->Match Routine for Swedish Sickness.
                  Enter the relevant criteria.
                  To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.