SAP Program RPMGE_ACTIVATION - Assignment Activation

This report enables the home or host HR administrator to activate theassignment for the selected employee, in other words, to change thestatus from Planned to To Be Activated when the employeehas accepted the offer. Depending on the processor, one of thefollowing personnel actions is triggered, as set in featureActions: Default Values for Recognition (

  • Host activation (82),

  • Home activation (Withdrawn) (83),

  • Home activation (Active) (84).

  • Note
    The host activation should be triggered before the home one.

    Host activation (82)
    The report checks whether:

    • The action is MGE-specific (Management of Global Employees) or
    • not.
      • The activation is home or host-specific.

      • In addition, it perfoms the following actions:
        • The Employment Status field in infotype Actions (0000

        • ) is set to Active.
          • The data stored in infotype Compensation Package Offer (0706

          • ) is read and mapped to the corresponding fields in the infotypesBasic Pay (0008), Recurring Payments/Deductions (
            0014) and Additional Payments (0015) on the basisof the relevant customizing table (T76MGE_MAP).
            • The default data for infotype Planned Working Time (0007)
            • is determined on the basis of the infotypes OrganizationalAssignment (0001) and Global Assignment Details (
              • The assignment status in infotype Assignment Status (0715

              • ) is set to In Progress for the host subtype and a homesubtype is created with the status set to To be Activated.
                • The activation date in infotype Assignment Category Details (

                • 0707) is replaced with the start date of the assignment storedin infotype 0710.

                  Home activation (Withdrawn) (83)
                  The report checks whether:

                  • The action is MGE-specific or not.

                  • The activation is home or host-specific.

                  • In addition, it perfoms the following actions:
                    • The Employment Status field in infotype Actions (0000

                    • ) is set to Withdrawn if there are no trailing payments inthe home country.
                      • The data stored in infotype Compensation Package Offer (0706

                      • ) is read and mapped to the corresponding fields in the infotypesBasic Pay (0008), Recurring Payments/Deductions (
                        0014) and Additional Payments (0015) on the basisof the relevant customizing table (T76MGE_MAP).
                        • The status of the Home subtype of infotype Assignment Status

                        • (0715) is set to In Progress.

                          Home activation (Active) (84)
                          Same process as described above, except that in the third step, theEmployment Status field in infotype Actions (0000)is set to Active if there are any trailing payments in the homecountry.

                          • Integration
                            The report is used in combination with the following personnel actions:

                            • Host activation (82),

                            • Home activation (Withdrawn) (83),

                            • Home activation (Active) (84).
                            • Prerequisites
                              Maintain the above-mentioned actions in table Personnel ActionTypes (T529A).
                              Make sure the assignment type for the selected employee is set toPlanned in infotype Assignment Activation Details (
                              Check all the checklist items in the relevant infotype (0705)that have to be completed before the assignment activation.


                              • Evaluation Period

                              • Enter the date on which you want to activate the assignment. This canbe either the current date (system date) or a reference date.
                                • Personnel Number

                                • Enter the personnel number of the employee for whom you want toactivate the assignment.
                                  • Action Type

                                  • Select the applicable action type (82, 83 or 84 according toprocessor).

                                    The assignment status of the selected personnel number is set to ToBe Activated in infotype Assignment Activation Details (