SAP Program RPLWTRS0 - Wage type report Sweden

Wage type report Sweden (RPLWTRS0)
On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Europe -> Sweden -> Infosystem -> Wage type -> Wage Type Report Sweden.

In Swedish Wage type report you choose one wage type to be evaluated.Selections can also be made on different organizational levels asPersonnel number, Employment status, Company code, Payroll area,Pers.area/subarea/cost center and Employee group/subgroup.
The report can be used for e.g. finding debts in the company. The reportis then used in the following way. Select organizational level, put inthe technical wage type /A3L and mark "Show negative amounts only" toidentify a debt. Check also that "Actual period only" is selected.
The output will be in form of an ALV-grid on personnel level. This givesyou a possibility to make your own layout (e.g. sort, hide and sum) andsave it as a variant.