SAP Program RPLWPMN0 - Eligibility for Perm. Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act Monitor

This report is used to:

  • Generate an overview of all activities for which the infotype
  • Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act (
    0764) is maintained (Activities Monitor)
    • Perform a consistency check from the overview on infotypes Absences

    • (2001) and Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit(Restrictions) Act (0764) (Consistency Monitor)
      • Double click the desired record, to go to infotype Eligibility for
      • Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act (0764) and editthe data based on the message displayed
        • Print a complete Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit
        • (Restrictions) Act report from the overview

          For more information, see the other Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act reports:

          • Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act
          • Overview (RPLWPON0)
            • Absence Overview (RPLWPAN0)
            • Prerequisites
              You have performed the IMG activities under the Eligibility forPermanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act section of the DutchPayroll and have maintained the Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act (0764) infotype.

              You can opt to display the Activities Monitor or the ConsistencyMonitor. Due to performance considerations, you can only display eitherthe Activities Monitor or the Consistency Monitor.
              With reference to monitoring, the Activities Monitor providesinsight into timely and correct maintenance of Eligibility for PermanentInvalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act activities.
              With reference to performing activities, the overview will on the onehand indicate which activities need to be processed and on the otherhand provide insight into which activities will have to be processed inthe short term. In other words, the overview also serves as anorganizer. Control is primarily based on the key date specified for theselection.
              The Consistency Monitor is used to monitor the relationshipbetween the existing sicknesses and the Eligibility for PermanentInvalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act infotype. Given that bothprocesses (Sickness Recording and Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act) are executed by different disciplines, thereis the possibility that data may change in the mean time, despite thefact that data should be and remain correctly related. In other words,if, for example, the sickness/recovery date changes, it will affectEligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Actrecording.
              The third feature is the option to print a complete Eligibility forPermanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act report. This overviewincludes all relevant (person, sickness and Eligibility for PermanentInvalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act) data and can be used to create afile.

              In addition to the standard selection options, a number of optionsspecific to the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit(Restrictions) Act are available.
              Note !
              If using the Case Manager selection option, please note that onlyEligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act recordsare selected that are assigned to the case manager in question. As a re
              sult it is not possible to use the full Consistency Monitorfunctionality, and display any Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act records that may have to be created.
              The week (Monday to Sunday), in which the key date falls is used toselect the data.

              The generated overview displays the status of all activities per person.You can act on the status of the Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act activities based on the traffic lightsdisplayed:

              • Red means that the activity has not been processed on time

              • Yellow means that the activity must be processed ASAP, taking the number
              • of days warning into account
                • Green means that the activity has been processed on time, or that the
                • final activity date lies in the future.
                  • Gray means that the employee has recovered, but that the Eligibility for
                  • Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act infotype has not yetbeen closed. As soon as an Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit(Restrictions) Act record is closed, activities are no longer displayed.
                    The output can be flexibly formatted to meet your requirements bychanging the layout.

                    Double click the required output record to go to the Eligibility forPermanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act (0764)infotype and modify the relevant data according to the messagedisplayed.
                    When you go back to the overview, the modifications will be displayedimmediately.