SAP Program CACS_APPLLOGDIS - Display Application Logs

The CACS_APPLLOGDIS report controls the display of the logs created inthe commission system.

You can select the type of log on the first selection screen. The logtype corresponds to the subobject that has to be specified for theinitialization of a log by a process (e.g. _CASE for commissioncases). If the report is called externally, you can enter 'X' on theparameter xscreen so that it skips this selection screen. In this casethe parameter of the subobject is also required (e.g. xgen = 'X').
After you have selected the log type, you can enter more details on thesecond selection screen to search for logs in the database. When youcall this up, you can use the parameter xselscr = 'X' to suppress thisselection screen.
If you specify a log handle when calling the report, then the handledata is read before the database display and placed in the secondselection screen. If it is to be displayed, the creation date of thelog is placed on the selection screen (default = today's date from 0:00to 23:59). If the selection screen is suppressed, then the determineddata from the log is used to go directly to the log display.

Display of logs that are to be selected according to both screens.