SAP Program RPLPBSQ7 - APS Employment Database (APSED) Report

This report displays employment details for all employees who areemployed under the Public Service (PS) Act 1999. You can download thesedetails for submission to authorities.

You must maintain the following details for all employees:

  • Relevant infotypes

  • Set Agency code for APSC interface(13AGY) feature

  • Specify how to determine postcode (APSC interface)(13POS) feature

  • Set the permanency indicator (APSC interface)(13PER) feature

  • Set the postal codes based on Personnel Area/Subarea(13BTR)
  • feature
    • To Determine
    • Employee Group and Sub-group(13GRP) feature

      Specify the following selection criteria:

      • Payroll Period - Specify the payroll period for which you want
      • to execute the report.
        • Selection - Select an employee or a range of employees.

        • Details provided by PSMPC - Enter the following details of the
        • agency that is paying the employees:
          Agency Name-Enter the name of the Australian Public Service (APS)agency.
          Agency Code - Enter the agency code that the Commission assignsto Australian Public Service (APS) agency.
          Agency contact phone no.- Enter the contact number of the agency
          • Download options

          • Employee details
            ,,,,,,- As at specified date- Choose this radio button if youwant to download employees' current ,,,,,,details as on a specific date.
            ,,,,,,- Movement only-Choose this radio button, if you want todownload details regarding changes in ,,,,,,the employment history of anemployee, for example promotions and maternity leaves.
            ,,,,,,- Application Server-Choose this radio button if you wantto download employees' details to your ,,,,,,application server.
            ,,,,,,-Workstation (PC) - Choose this radio button if you want todownload employees' details to your ,,,,,,workstation.
            Dataset Directory- Enter the location of the file containing theemployees' data.
            Dataset name-Enter the dataset name in which you want to downloadthe employees' details.

            From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Australia -> Public Sector -> Reports -> APSED Report.
            The APS Employment Database (APSED) Report (RPLPBSQ7) screenappears.
            Enter the relevant selection criteria
            Choose Program Execute.
            System displays the relevant employees details on the report outputscreen.