SAP Program RPLMKM00 - Features, Subfeatures and Predecessors

You can use this report to check your features regarding predecessorsand successors.
With the features, the last generated version is used.

  • Display successor (subfeatures)

  • Subfeatures (successor) are called up with a feature. You can alsocreate a list of successors from features by setting the Feature ->subfeatures indicator.
    • Display predecessor

    • In case of an update on a feature that calls a subfeature, the systemautomatically enters the predecessor feature with the subfeature. Youcan create a list of predecessors by setting the Subfeatures ->predecessors indicator.
      • Error list

      • You can view errors displayed in the error list, by flagging theError list indicator.
        If errors occur, you should regenerate the predecessors with the reportRPUMKG00 (Generate Features)

        The report results are output as an alphabetical list. Different listscan be created according to the indicator:

        • Features and subfeatures

        • The list contains all main features by which predecessors were entered.However, this is not correct for the main features.
          Features and predecessors
          • The lists displays all subfeatures for which no predecessor was
          • entered, i.e. the features are apparently not used.
            • Subfeatures and predecessors

            • The list contains all subfeatures for which a predecessor was entered.The predecessors, however, do not exist.
              On all lists you can see whether the feature is a standard or modifiedfeature.

              Only features that call up a subfeature and that have at least onepredecessor are used.

1113525PE03: Special characters for feature maintenance