SAP Program RPLLASS0 - LAS Report

Use this report to determine the notice period given to an employee, incase of a lay-off in the organization.
As per Law of Employment Protection, notice period depends on anemployee's hiring date. If the hiring date falls:

  • Before 01/01/1997, the system determines the notice period based on the
  • employee's age
    • After 31/12/1996, the system determines the notice period based on the
    • length of service
      From 01/07/2007, As per Law of Employment Protection, notice period doesnot depends on employee's hiring date. The notice period will bedetermined only based on the length of service.

      Maintain the following Date types in Date Specificationsinfotype (0041):

      • S2: Employment date (SE)

      • In case the Date type S2 is not present in DateSpecifications infotype (0041), the report reads the
        Organizational Assignment infotype (0001) to obtain the employmentstart date.
        • S3: Coherent empdate (SE)

        • In case the Date type S3 is not present in DateSpecifications infotype (0041), then the report considers the valueof S3 to be the same as the value of S2.

          Date Types
          Select the date types that the report must use while calculating anemployee's employment duration.
          Calculation of employment duration for employee with singleemployment period
          Selection period: 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2007
          Hire date of the employee maintained in Date Specificationsinfotype (0041) or Organizational Assignment infotype (0001) is01/01/2007.
          Employment duration = End date of selection period - Employment date
          = 31/01/2007 - 01/01/2007
          = 1 year
          Calculation of employment duration for employee with multipleemployment periods
          Selection period: 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2007
          An employee, was with the company from 01/01/2005 to 31/12/2005, andthen rehired on 01/01/2007. In this case, you must maintain the coherentdate of employment in Date Specifications infotype (0041) as01/01/2006. This ensures that system takes into consideration theone-year duration in the earlier employment period while calculating thecomplete employment duration.
          Employment duration = End date of selection period - Coherent date ofemployment
          = 31/12/2007 - 01/01/2006
          = 2 years
          In the standard system, Date types provided are:

          • S2: Employment date

          • S3: Coherent date of employment

          • You can also select any customer specific Date types that youwant the report to use for calculating employment duration.

            The output consists of the following details:

            • Years of Employment

            • Months of Employment

            • Age Group

            • Depending on the employee's age, this field displays:

            • Blank, for an employee below 45 years
              + , for an employee in the age group of 45 to 57.5 years
              -, for an employee above 57.5 years
              • Period of Notice

              • Hiring Date

              • Coherent Hiring Date
              • Activities
                On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Sweden -> Subsequentactivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->LAS Report.
                Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.