SAP Program RPLERCC0 - Employer Statement

You can create the employer statement for the unemploymentinsurance when an employee leaves using this program. The form is tobe submitted by the employee leaving to the unemployment office with theapplication for unemployment support and is to be issued by the employerupon the request of the employee.

You have made the settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) forPayroll Switzerland under Statements --> Employer Statement


  • The data for the form is determined from the infotype Employer
  • Statement (0600) and from the payroll units for the application key.
    • The program does not output a form, if no data has been specified for
    • an employee for the key date in infotype 0600.


      • Usually you execute the program for a personnel number.

      • Choose the last active work day of the person as the key date of the
      • program.

        The output is a SmartForm.
        If you execute the program in the background, the settings of the userare used for the print output.

        Each equalization fund has different requirements for the form layoutand its content. For this reason, a multitude of different versions ofthis form exist in Switzerland, which basically contain the same data.The existing program is for the simplistic creation of such a form.If the form requested by your responsible compensation office differsfrom the form created in this program, your system administrator canadjust the functionality if necessary, as follows:

        • The SAP standard form HR_CH_ERC must be copied and adjusted according to
        • your needs.
          • The methods of the Business Add-In HRPAYCHERC0 must be implemented
          • according to your needs.
            • If necessary, the infotype Employer Statement (0600) can be
            • extended.

1650417Anpassen der Arbeitgeberbescheinigung an offizielle Vorlagen
1600452Smart Form: HR_CH_ERC corrections for French translation
1448109"New AHV number": Disply in employer statmnt languages IT,FR
1375458"New AHV number": Output in employer statement