SAP Program RPLEA4W0 - EEA4 Income Differentials (South Africa)

This report provides Employment Equity data in the prescribed EEA4(Income Differential Statement) format. It allows you to analyse thegenerated form against your employee data.

To be included in this report, the employee needs to be active(according to Infotype 0000) during the selection period and must haveat least the following infotypes (as a minimum prerequisute):

  • Organizational Assignment infotype (0001)

  • Personal Data infotype (0002)

  • Planned Working Time infotype (0007)

  • Basic Pay infotype (0008)

  • Additional Personal Data infotype (0077) (for ethnic origin and
  • disability)
    The following customizing tables need to be maintained:
    • T5W15 - Linking of Jobs to Occupational Categories

    • T5W10 & T5W11 - Linking of pay scale groups to Occupational
    • Level
      • View V_596J_A - subapplication EEA4, cumulation REMN (Definition of
      • Remuneration for EEA4)
        The following features must be maintained:
        • Feature WERAC (Ethnic Origin Link to Designated Group)

        • Feature WWTRN (PAYE Reference Number Allocation)
        • Features
          The following Business Add-in's are available to definecustomer-specific rules for the determination of employee attributesfor Equity Reporting :
          HR_ZA_EEA_SMARTFORM ,,: Default Smart Form values
          HR_ZA_EEA_ETHNIC,,,,: Determine Ethnic Origin
          HR_ZA_EEA_OCCAT,,,,: Determine Occ.Category
          HR_ZA_EEA_OCLEV ,,,,: Determine Occ.Level
          HR_ZA_EEA_REMUN,,,,: Get Remuneration Amount

          The report output is an ALV list. The presribed EEA4 form is generatedin Smart Form format and can be download in PDF format if required.

          For performance reasons it is possible to run the report in Extractmode (in background), whereby the results of the report are storedtemporarily. The temporary results can then be selected in foreground -giving instant output of the selected data. This is intended for highdata volumes and for the purpose of enhanced performance.
          To use this option, choose Extracts from the selectionscreen.