SAP Program RPLDQOJ1 - Acquisition of Qualification Form (Paper)

This report outputs Acquisition of Qualification form for Social Insuran
ce(SI) Office or Health Insurance(HI) Association.

This report refers to the layout of "Kenpo MC-20" for continuous-form
papers offered by Nihon Hourei.


  • This report selects employees whose Acquired/Lost statuses in Social Ins

  • urance Basic Data Infotype (0140) are either "Acquired" or "
    Office Change" in the specified period.
    • In Output control,it is possible to specify either "Submit
    • HI and EP data together" or "Submit HI and EP data separately
      When you choose "Submit HI and EP data together",it is possibleto specify the followings:
      In "Output employee", you can choose which employees are to be in
      cluded in the output. There are the following three options.
      Both HI and EP: The report includes employees who acquire the qua
      lification for both Health Insurance(HI) and Employee's Pension(EP) inthe specified period.
      HI only:The report includes employees who acquire thequalification for Health Insurance in the specified period.
      EP only:The report includes employees who acquire the qualificati
      on for Employee's Pension in the specified period.
      In "Output insurance No.", you can choose which insured number is
      to be output and to be used to sort employees in the form. There arethe following four options.
      HI number:The report outputs HI number and employees are sortedby HI number.
      EP number:The report outputs EP number and employees are sortedby EP number.
      Both number(sort HI no.):The report outputs both HI number and EP
      number and employees are sorted by HI number.
      Both number(sort EP no.):The report outputs both HI number and EP
      number and emloyees are sorted by EP number.
      When you choose "Submit HI and EP data separately",it is possibleto specify for which insurance type (Health Insurance orEmployee's Pension) the form to be created in Outputinsurance data.
      • It is possible to specify more than one target branch office to which Aq

      • uisition of Qualification Form is to be filed.
        • It is possible to specify which employee's address information is to be
        • used. Official tax address (subtype J1) is proposed as default.
          • It is possible to select either Use or Not use of SAP
          • Script.
            If you select Use, you can specify the name of your own SAPScript in which you customize output positions. If you select Notuse,the report outputs the data according to the positions specifiedin the program.

            Specify for which period Acquisition of Qualification Form to be outputand execute the report.