SAP Program RPLDAP_QUERY_MAPPING - Maintain Field Assignments for Data Export

With this report you can assign query fields and SAP attribute names toone another. For example, you can allocate mnemonic attribute names forthe query fields or group several query fields together in an attributegroup.
Using this function you can make assignments you make later to theattributes in the LDAP directory easier to understand.
If you want to add new attributes to the LDAP directory, you mustchange your query and restart the report.
If you want to change attribute names or groups, you must also restartthe report.

You have defined an appropriate query.


On the selection screen, enter the query for which you want to makeassignments. In the following fields you can specify the query in moredetail:

  • Global Work Area (Flag)

  • If you are using a query from the global work area, set this flag.
    • User Group

      • Query

      • When you have stored the entries for the query, choose Import.

        In the output list, the system displays the current assignment of queryfields and SAP attributes.

        • When you execute the report for the first time, the system displays the
        • imported query fields and your description.
          • When you execute the report again, the system displays the attribute
          • names and groups that have already been specified, and the flags set byyou.

            In the output list you can do the following:

            • Create or change any names in the Attribute Name and
            • Attribute Group columns.
              • Set the following flags:

              • Techn. Field (Technical Field)
                Raw Data
                When you have made your entries, save the list.