SAP Program RPLCTRF0 - Control program Tables <> Infotypes

Program for the checking of the SV and/or WPBP tables and infotypes.

The objective of this program is to edit employees for whom the SVand/or WPBP tables do not correspond to the infotypes.

Your employees must have a payroll.

The program displays the fields of the infotype that do not correspondto the SV and/or WPBP tables by person number, infotype and start andend dates.

In the selection screen:

  • Enter the payroll area as well as the payroll period.

  • Select your employees.

  • Enter the tables used for the check base in the field 'Check', i.e. mark
  • the checkbox 'Infotypes SV table check' to check the infotypes againstthe SV table and/or mark the checkbox 'Infotypes WPBP table check' tocheck the infotypes against the WPBP table.
    • In the field 'Periodicity', choose one or more periods:

    • 1. The payroll periods may be monthly, and it is the period announced inthe selection screen that will be taken into account.
      2. The payroll periods may be quarterly; in this case, the periodindicated in the selection image will be the most recent period, and theperiod will search for the two previous periods (the processing willintegrate the employees not present for the period indicated, butpresent for one of the previous periods).
      3. The payroll periods may be annual; in this case, the period indicatedin the selection image will be the most recent, and the program willsearch for the previous eleven periods (the processing will take intoaccount the employees not present for the period indicated, but presentfor one of the previous periods).