SAP Program RPLCONQ0 - Leave Conversion - Australian to International Leave

The leave conversion utility has been built to allow you to more easilymake the transition from the Australian Leave solution to the LeaveQuotas solution. To change from Australian to Leave Quotas requires thegeneration and alteration of various pieces of data, which this utilityautomates. Configuration is also required, and some configurationrestrictions will be covered later in this document.
It should be noted that this conversion program will not performany configuration, it will only convert existing employee Australianleave data to Leave Quota data. The system should be configured andtested for Leave Quotas prior to running this conversion.

Processing Overview
There are four different components to the leave conversion utility,and they are Accrual conversion, Entitlement conversion, Anniversarydate conversion, Provisions conversion.
This is the output created when each component of the conversion isperformed:

  • Accrual conversion: Batch input session to create IT2013/IT2006.

  • Entitlement conversion: Batch input session to create IT2013, and
  • another batch input session to re-book absences (IT2001).
    • Anniversary date conversion: Batch input session to create/update
    • IT0041.
      • Provisions conversion: The payroll cluster is updated directly.

      • You will notice that all the conversion types, with the exception ofthe provision conversion, produce a batch update session. To actuallycreate leave quota data for your employees, you will need to run thesebatch sessions after the conversion program has been run.
        The provision conversion does not produce a batch update session, butinstead updates employee payroll results directly. Refer to the sectionProvision Conversion for more details on this conversion type.

        Before running the conversion, the leave batch update should be run upto the end of the last pay period for the employees being converted.This will ensure that the Australian leave balances picked up by theconversion are the most recent and accurate.

        Selection Screen
        The selection screen for the leave conversion program requires the userto precisely determine how the conversion will work. Here is anexplanation of the different sections of the selection screen, and whattheir purpose is:

        Specify the data selection period for the leave conversion.

        Specify the personnel selection information.

        Conversion Type
        Specify which type(s) of conversion to perform, the availableconversion types are:

        • Accrual conversion

        • Entitlement conversion

        • Anniversary date conversion

        • Provisions conversion

        • If required, you can also name the batch update sessions that will becreated by the conversion (this is optional, default names will be usedwhere names are not supplied).

          Conversion Parameters
          Specify if the conversion is a simulation or an actual conversion.
          Specify the date the conversion is to be performed. This date should beexactly one day after the last completed payroll period. (E.g. Ifpayroll is run up to 31/01/2000, the conversion date should be01/02/2000).

          In the case where an employee has been accounted up to a date more thanone day prior to the conversion date, the leave balances will beprojected up to the day before the conversion date. This is to caterfor the case where a mix of employees from differing pay cycles areconverted at the same time, for example weekly and monthly employees.
          If an employee is accounted to a date after the conversion date, anerror will be generated and the employee rejected. The user shouldselect a date that is AFTER the payroll period end date of the latestpayroll period amongst the selected employees.
          For example: if monthly and weekly employees are converted at the sametime, the last monthly pay period may have ended on the 31.01.2000while the last weekly pay period may have ended on the 28.01.2000. Inthis case, the conversion date should be 01.02.2000, and the leavebalances for the weekly employees will be projected up to the31.01.2000.
          Also specify the date type that will be created (in infotype 0041) foruse by long service leave quotas (if required).
          Under the configuration for leave quotas, a date type should benominated to hold the start date for an employees long service leaveaccrual period. This start date is required by the leave quotasprocessing to allow the calculation of pro-rata and actual rolloverdates for employee long service leave.
          The conversion program will create an entry in infotype 0041 for thedate type nominated here, and the date used will be the employees startdate.

          Conversion Rules
          Specify the leave types to be converted, and the quota types they areto be converted to.
          If an anniversary conversion is being performed, then also specify thedate type that should be used to control anniversary rollovers.
          Where Australian leave uses the LVACC table to determine when the nextleave anniversary date for an employee is, Leave quotas use Date typesin infotype 0041 to determine anniversaries.
          Also in the case of an anniversary conversion, specify whether or notto subtract one day from the LVACC anniversary date value before it isstored in infotype 0041. This option has been included to cater for thedifference in the way that rollovers are processed within Leave Quotas,as opposed to Australian Leave:
          Australian leave transfers accrual balances at the beginning of theday on which the anniversary falls, whereas Leave Quotas transferaccrual balances at the end of the day on which the anniversary falls.

          Conversion Type Overview

          Accrual Conversion

          This process will transfer existing Australian leave accrual data intoLeave Quota accrual format. Australian leave accrual balances forselected employees are determined, and an equal amount created as aLeave Quota accrual. A detailed description of this process is givenbelow:

          /C02 wage types are read from the last payroll result stored for theemployee, and the accrual balances are kept.
          Where leave balances need to be projected, the Australian leaveprojection program is invoked to obtain accrual balances.

          For each /C02 wage type, the corresponding leave type is determinedfrom table T5QLR. The leave type is then checked against the conversionselection screen to see what quota type it should be converted to.
          Where leave data has been projected, the results from the projectionare used.

          A batch update session is built to create infotype 2013 (QuotaCorrections) records to adjust quota accrual values, using the quotatype from the selection screen and the year to date accrual value fromthe last payroll result.

          Entitlement Conversion

          This process will transfer existing Australian leave entitlement datainto Leave Quota entitlement format. Australian leave entitlementbalances for selected employees are determined, and an equal amountcreated as a Leave Quota entitlement.
          As part of this process, any absences that will affect days in thefuture (of the conversion date) are re-booked so that they will affectthe newly created quota entitlements, instead of the old Australianleave entitlements (described in more detail below).
          Note however that absences that overlap the conversion date will not berebooked. This is because the standard SAP system books the entirevalue of an absence against the leave type or quota type that is validat the start date of the absence.
          Absences that overlap the conversion date must be split and re-bookedmanually, the conversion program will produce a warning to highlightabsences that overlap the conversion date.
          A detailed description of the entitlement conversion and absencere-booking process is given below:

          Infotype 0005 is read to determine the current leave balances.
          Infotype 2001 is also read, as any future absences must be re-bookedafter the conversion is complete so that they reduce the created quotabalance.
          Where leave balances need to be projected, the Australian leaveprojection program is invoked to obtain entitlement balances.

          Leave types from infotype 0005 are checked against the conversionselection screen to see what quota types they should be converted to.Any future absences (i.e. booked after the conversion date) are thenadded back to the entitlement balances, and the new balance is kept.
          Where leave data has been projected, the results from the projectionare used.

          A batch update session is built to create infotype 2013 records. Theserecords will create quota entitlement values using the quota type fromthe selection screen and the entitlement value built during processing.
          A second batch update session is then created to re-book any absencesbooked past the conversion date.

          Notes on processing:
          The absence re-booking is required, and the following exampleillustrates why:
          Employee number: 13000000.
          Payroll processed up to 31/01/2000.
          IT0005: Leave type A2 (annual leave), entitlement value of 122.50hours.
          IT2001: Absence type 100 (annual leave), absence value of 7.5 hours,booked for 05/03/2000 to the 05/03/2000.
          Note that the absence has already reduced the leave balance.
          Now, if the conversion did not rebook the absence for the 05/03/2000,then a quota entitlement value of 122.50 would be created. This isfine, but what would then happen if the absence were altered for somereason, lets say increased by a further 7.5 hours. Since the absencehas not yet altered the new quota balance (since it was booked underthe old leave configuration), the new absence amount of 15 hours wouldbe taken from the 122.50 hours of entitlement, leaving 107.50 hourswhich is incorrect.
          However, since the conversion does rebook future absences, thefollowing will occur.
          The entitlement value of 122.50 hours will be combined with the futureabsence value of 7.5 hours, resulting in a quota entitlement value of130.00 hours. The future absence will then be re-booked, reducing thenew quota entitlement down to 122.50 again. Subsequently, if theabsence were altered to include another 7.5 hours, then since theabsence has already altered the new quota entitlement value, only thedifference in the old and new absence values will affect the quotaentitlement value, resulting in a new balance of 115.00 hours.

          Anniversary Conversion

          This process will transfer existing leave anniversary dates fromAustralian leave format to Leave Quota format. Anniversary dates aredetermined for selected employees, and stored in the format and placerequired by Leave Quotas. As mentioned in the section titled Runningthe conversion Australian leave holds anniversary dates for leave typesin the LVACC payroll table whereas Leave Quotas hold anniversary datesin infotype 0041. The Leave Quotas configuration then determines whatdate type will be used as the anniversary date for each quota type.

          Cluster table LVACC values are read from the last payroll result storedfor the employee, and the leave type and last anniversary date valuesare kept.
          Infotype 0041 records valid at the conversion date or in the future areread.

          The conversion selection screen details are checked, to find what datetypes each leave type/anniversary date pairing should be output to.
          If an employee has been accounted to a date past the conversion datethe employee is rejected, as a rollover may have occurred in the timefrom the conversion date to the accounted to date, thus giving aninaccurate anniversary date at the time of conversion.

          A batch update session is built to create or update infotype 0041records, to include the date types and anniversary dates determinedduring processing.

          Important Notes:
          If a date type already exists in infotype 0041 prior to running theconversion, and that date type is required by the conversion to hold ananniversary date (i.e. was specified on the selection screen), then theconversion will over-write the date type in infotype 0041 with theanniversary date. A warning will also be produced in the conversionreport.
          If an infotype 0041 record exists at the time of the conversion, butthe record is completely filled with date types balready, then theleave conversion will not be able to create a new date type. Instead itwill generate an error, and the user should audit the entries in theexisting infotype.

          Provisions Conversion

          This process will update Australian leave provision data so that it iscompatible with Leave Quotas processing. Each Australian leaveprovision record will have the corresponding quota type (specified onthe conversion program selection screen) inserted, thus allowing therecords to be picked up and processed by the Leave Quotasfunctionality.

          LVEPR and LSLPR cluster tables are read from the last payroll resultstored for the employee.
          If an employee has been accounted to a date past the conversion date awarning is generated, but the conversion of the provisions data willstill occur as the data created is not dependant on time (as in thecase of accruals and entitlement calculations).

          For each record in the LVEPR and LSLPR cluster tables, the leave typevalue is used to determine the required quota type from the selectionscreen parameters. The quota type is then added into each record.

          The LVEPR and LSLPR cluster tables are written back into the lastpayroll result for the employee.

          Processing of leave conversion
          You should always perform a test conversion first, and examine the logthoroughly before performing a real conversion. This will allow theopportunity to correct any undesirable results.
          The conversion program can also be run and re-run any number of timesin test mode, however the batch update session created by theconversion when it is run in real mode can only be run once. Runningthese sessions more than once will result in doubling up of data.
          Once the conversion has been run in update mode, process theEntitlement, Accrual and Anniversary batch sessions.
          Next perform Time Evaluation (RPTIME00, Transaction PT60) for theemployees selected in the conversion, for the date of the conversion.This will process the records created by the batch input sessions.
          Finally process the Absence re-booking batch session. This must be doneafter Time Evaluation.

          Configuration Tips

          Australian Leave accrual wage types
          The wage types /Cnn should not have processing class 73 checked, asthis will result in the /C02 wage types staying in the RT forever.
          The simplest way to achieve this would be to delimit the /C02 wagetypes to end at the conversion date, so they are no longer valid afterthe conversion has been run.

          T559L Configuration
          To avoid any doubling up of accruals, table T559L should be delimitedto start at the leave conversion date. This will prevent any doublingup of leave accrual figures.
          For example, assume that payroll has been run up to the 31/01/2000 andthe leave batch update has also been performed (Therefore leaveaccruals have been calculated up to the 31/01/2000). If T559L is notdelimited to begin at 01/02/2000, then any retroactive time evaluationprocessing may cause leave data to be calculated for days that havealready been processed under the old leave solution, thus doublingaccruals for the overlapped days.
          Note - this topic discussed further in Limitations section,under the section titled Retro prior to conversion date.


          Payroll Cluster Customising
          If you have customised the payroll results cluster to include moretables you will need to take extra care when running the leaveconversion. The conversion utilises the standard cluster input/outputmodules, and as such will clear any custom tables in the cluster.

          Anniversary dates for employees with no payroll results
          If an employee included in the conversion has no payroll results, thenthe leave conversion will not be able to create any anniversary datesin infotype 0041 (as the anniversary dates are extracted from the LVACCpayroll cluster table).
          The user will need to manually create infotype 0041 date type entriesfor employees who do not have payroll results.

          Conversion of leave from days to hours
          There will be no allowance for conversion of time units for leave, ie.If the users currently have their Australian leave stored in oneparticular unit (ie. days), and they wish to change this to a differentunit as part of the conversion (ie. hours). The leave conversionprogram is to take the Australian leave in its current format and alterthis to allow it to be stored in the correct areas and format for leavequotas to use.

          Absences booked after the conversion, but applicable prior to theconversion
          Any absences that are created after the conversion has been performed,but which apply for a day(s) prior to the conversion date will not bededucted from the new quotas, as the configuration for the quotas willnot apply prior to the conversion date. The user should take care whenbooking absences under these conditions, and manually alter quotabalances (via infotype 2013) where required.

          Absences that overlap the conversion date
          Absences that start before and end after the conversion date cannot bere-booked during the entitlement conversion process - instead, theconversion program will produce a warning so that the user can thenmanually deal with that absence.
          The reason for this lies in the standard SAP system method of bookingabsences. When an absence is booked, the entire absence is bookedagainst whatever leave or quota type is used for deduction at the begindate of the absence (determined by table T554S).
          For example, assume table T554S is configured as follows:
          For absence type 0100, reducing Leave type A2 and valid from01.01.1990 to 31.01.2000
          For absence type 0100, reducing Quota type 60 and valid from01.02.2000 to 31.12.9999
          If absence type 0100 is booked for an employee, starting from28.01.2000 and ending on 04.02.2000, then the entire amount of theabsence will be deducted from Leave Type A2.
          If the conversion program were to re-book absences that overlap theconversion date automatically, then the resulting entitlement in LeaveQuotas would not have the absence deducted from it correctly.

          Retro prior to conversion date
          This conversion program will take the Australian leave balances at aparticular date and convert them to be usable with Quota accrual.
          There will be no possibility for retroactive re-calculations prior tothe conversion date.
          If the user performs retroactive processing prior to the conversiondate, the leave would recalculate for the retro periods and the userwould end up with more leave than they are allowed.
          In order to stop this situation from happening, the quota configurationrecords (In view V_T559L) should all have a start date of the day thatthe conversion was run for.
          This will ensure that if there were a retro re-calculation, then theleave balances would not be recalculated.
          NOTE: Alternatively, it could be configured to completely stop allretroactive calculations prior to the conversion date.

          Different accrual ids to different quota numbers
          With the Australian leave, it is possible to have multiple accrual idsagainst a particular leave type. For example, annual leave might havethree different accrual ids with different rates.
          If the user has the requirement to create 3 quota ids for these threeleave type / accrual id combinations, then this will not be possible.
          This is mainly due to the international infotype 0005 not containingleave accrual ids. Without this information, it is impossible todetermine which leave type / Accrual id that the entitlement isattached to.