SAP Program RPLBRCF2 - Contributions Summary Bordereau for VLU ASSEDIC

This program is used to pay social contributions that are due to ASSEDICby a company and/or establishment in a single location, i.e. to a singlebody.
To execute this activity, a form must be issued that resumes the amountsof the employee and employer contributions paid to ASSEDIC.

  • This program indicates the number of employees (male or female) that
  • have paid their contributions on the basis of one of the followingpersonnel types:
    "general plan",
    "over 65s" and
    "CEO and representatives",
    per establishment and per company.
    • It then indicates the bases, rates and amounts of the various
    • contributions calculated by the establishment.

      Selection of data
      If the field 'agency code' is not entered into the selectionscreen of the program, it is the codes 20 and 29 corresponding toASSEDICs which are proposed by default.
      By marking the checkbox 'Company summary' you request the issueof a summary form for all the establishments per company.

      This program displays the settings tables for the personnel types (viewsV_T5F4N, V_T5F4Q, V_T5F4S and V_T5F4T).
      This program also uses the following features:
      the FDDR1 feature for the addresses of establishments,
      the FTDS2 feature for determining the address of the company,
      the FTDS1 feature for distinguishing the personnel types (apprentices orCEO and representatives).
      The setting of these tables and features must be performed prior to theexecution of the program. It may be effected by following theinstructions in the corresponding chapter of the implementation guide(IMG): follow Payroll calculation - France -> Evaluation of thesocial insurance->Summary of social contributionsURSSAF and VLU ASSEDIC.

      The program of contributions due to the ASSEDICs is presented in a tablewith columns for SIREN, NIC and personnel type.
      This table offers you various options for accessing the detailed accountform for contributions due to ASSEDIC:

      • To select a given establishment and call up the corresponding form,
      • double-click on the corresponding line in one of the table's columns.(with the exception of column 'SIREN No.').
        • To select all the establishments of a SIREN and to obtain the form with
        • the list of establishments followed by the summary (if you have markedthe option in the selection screen of the program), double click on theline selected in the column 'SIREN No.'.
          • To select all the establishments of all the SIRENs and to obtain the
          • corresponding form, with a list of all the establishments, use the icon'Declaration for all the establishment'> situated above the table.
            If the execution of the program has produced errors, you may consult thelist by utilizing the corresponding icon, situated in the table above.
            The Sapscript form obtained supplies per establishment or for each ofthe establishments assigned to a SIREN (according to the selectioncarried out previously in the table):
            • details of the workforce (male/female) selected per type of personnel;

              • details of the contributions of this workforce per personnel type, with

              • a column 'Code and contribution text'
                This column is used to determine the category of the insured person towhich the declared amounts refer. Examples are the general plan BrA, thegeneral plan BrB, the apprentices, the FNGS BrA and BrB for the generalplan and the apprentices, the ASF general plan BrA, the ASF general planBrB, the ASF of the apprentices.
                A 'Base' column
                It corresponds, by category of insured person and by contribution base,to the sum of salaries paid.
                a 'Rate' column
                a 'Amount' column
                It corresponds to the sum of contributions paid, calculated for eachemployee (and not the number of the column 'Base' multiplied bythe number of the column 'Rate').
                • a total for the contributions.