SAP Program RPLATBV0 - List of employees with taxable income > 16 G

This report produces a documentary list of all employees having a basisfor employer's contribution larger than 16G.

The report uses a TemSe file created by the annual tax reportingpreparation program.

A list is produced giving an overview of all employers contained in theTemSe file having employees with salary above 16G. The informationgiven per employee is:

  • One line for each combination of personell number and organisational
  • number containing:
    Personnel number, Name, Organizational number of employer, Employer'sname, Earned amount.
    • There is also produced one -line per employee with
    • the following information:
      Personell number, Name, Total earned amount for all org. numbers,Amount above 16G, Total calculated extra ERC, Last costcenter in thereporting year and a field called . Thelast field will contain the value 'X' if there have been changes to thecostcenter assignement during the reporting year..
      Ther can be one or more lines of the first type, according to thenumber of different to which the employees have been assignedto. There will alway be just one line per employee of the secont typedescribed.
      The output is produced with the ABAP list viewer that gives thepossibility for cumulating, reformatting and printing the list onuser's requirements.

148464PY-NO: Changes in Norwegian tax reporting 1999