SAP Program RPLAKHN0 - Master Data Overview for Infotype Premium Reduction (0303)

This report is used to create an overview of the data with respect towage tax reduction processed via infotype Premium Reduction NL(0303).
The report is used by the employer as a check list and indicates whichemployee participates in which provision (premium reduction for lowearnings/long-term unemployed/education/training/paid parental leave).
The selection data from database PNP is used as selection criteria.


In the overview the data of all records belonging to infotypePremium Reduction NL (0303) and valid in the period selected isdisplayed per person.
The data belonging to an infotype occurence is always printed on onepage.
To conclude the overview, the the following is displayed:

  • The number of selected persons

  • The number of processed persons

  • The number of rejected persons

  • The number of persons with premium reduction

  • The number of persons with premium reduction "Low arnings"

  • The number of persons with premium reduction "Long-term Unemloyed"

  • The number of persons with premium reduction "Education/Training"

  • The number of persons with premium reduction "Paid Parental Leave"

  • The number of infotype occurrences is displayed in a separate overview.