SAP Program RPLAEBA0 - Employment and Income Statement for Sick Pay

With this report you can maintain an overview of employees who requireor who have already received a Work and Remuneration Confirmation. Thereport issues a list of employees who require a Work and RemunerationConfirmation. In addition, it creates a list of employees:

  • For whom a Work and Remuneration Confirmation has been created and sent

  • For whom a Work and Remuneration Confirmation has been created, but not
  • sent
    • For whom no Work and Remuneration Confirmation has been created

    • For data, the report evaluates thepersonal calendar for theselected employee. In addition, it reads the data you saved to thedetail screen in the view V_T5A4Q (Characteristics ofPresence/Absence Types) in the section Continued Remuneration.

      Work and Remuneration Confirmation A infotype (0526) assists youin creating the confirmation.

      You have updated your employees' personal calendar by running thereport RPTGENA0 (Generate Personal Calendar:Austria).
      In Customizing for Payroll Austria under Absences ->Entitlement to Continued Remuneration you have processed thestep Define Two-Digit Absence Symbol (In this step you havespecified the absence symbol in the view V_T5A4Q.)

      The results are displayed as a list. You can prepare the listsindividually. To do this, the following generic functions areavailable:

      • Sort of the list according to any column criteria

      • Display/hide certain columns

      • Change in the column width

      • Creation of totals using the value columns

      • Creation of group totals according to different criteria

      • Filter

      • Detail view of a list line

      • Mail connection

      • Excel download

      • Word download
      • List header
        The list header is prepared dynamically. You can determine the sortfields for the list header as follows:
        Choose Sort ascend. order or Sort descend. order from thelist.
        The window Define sort is displayed.
        Select the sort fields for the list header from the Field list.
        Choose Display selected fields.
        For each sort field, enter * in the column GC (Groupchange) of the table Sort Fields.
        Choose OK.

        Display variants
        After processing the list, you can save the processing options thatsuit your needs as display variants. To do this, choose Settings-> Display variants -> Save ... from the list processed.

        For information on Work and Remuneration Confirmations, call upWork and Remuneration Confirmation A infotype (0526) throughHelp -> Application help.
        For more information on the List Viewer, see Help -> SAPLibrary -> CA - Cross Application Components -> GeneralApplication Functions -> ABAP List Viewer.