SAP Program RPLABSG0_SPELLS - Absence spells analysis

Absence Spells Analysis (Bradford Factor) Report (RPLABSG0_SPELLS)

You run Report RPLABSG0_SPELLS to analyse the pattern of your employees'absence data and assess the level of disruption this causes for yourorganisation.
Using the "Bradford Factor", you can better compare the different levelof disruption (and hence differential costs) associated with employeeswho possess seemingly similar absence data.
Three employees have each taken 14 days of absence in the previous 52weeks. However, these absences were differently distributed. Oneemployee took a single absence leave of 14 consecutive days, while asecond employee was absent on seven separate occasions, each lasting twodays. A third employee took 14 separate absences.
The Bradford Factor measures an employee's irregularity of attendance.It is calculated by multiplying:
SxSxD = ' Bradford Factor' score,
S = the total number of absence spells in the period you wish toanalyse (normally 52 weeks)
D = the total number of absence days in the period you wish toanalyse (normally 52 weeks)
Using the "Bradford Factor", you can better compare the different levelof disruption (and hence increased costs) associated with employees whopossess seemingly similar absence data:
One 14-day absence: Bradford Factor is 1x1x14 = 14
Seven 2-day absences: Bradford Factor is 7x7x14 = 686
Fourteen 1-day absences: Bradford Factor is 14x14x14 = 2,744

Report RPLABSG0_SPELLS is one of the Payroll Great Britainabsence reporting tools you can use to manage your absence processing.
To view documentation on the other PY-GB absence reporting tools, clickon the links under: See also.


Maintain your required selection criteria for report RPLABSG0_SPELLS asdescribed under Activities.

You can choose to output this report in either an ABAP List Viewer (ALV)or Temporary Sequential (TemSe) format.
There are three new ALV output fields for Report RPLABSG0_SPELLS:
Abs. spell
Abs. av
Abs %
Bradford (factor)
If you would like to run this program for a large number of employeesand check the results, it could exceed your online run time. In thiscase, you may wish to run the program in batch mode and generate a TemSefile.

Choose your selection criteria in the Period and Selectiongroup boxes.
Choose whether or not you wish the report to derive the BradfordFactor.
If you do then processing at absence subtype level is by-passed (i.e.each employee will only produce one record regardless of how manyabsences they have) and
the report must be run for a Period of one year. (i.e. If the periodselected is not exactly one year then the report automatically changesthe end date of the period selected to be exactly 12 months later.)
Maintain the specified absence type in the field Att./Absencetype.
The values for the Absence reason field correspond to dataentered on infotype Absences (2001), in the field Illnesscode (P2001-UMSKD).
In the Input options group box, you can opt to run this reportfor selected TemSe files previously created. You must specify therelevant file in the field TemSe object and set the TemSeinput indicator.
Choose your output option for RPLABSG0_SPELLS .
Select the ALV Output radio button to output your report data inABAP List Viewer format.
You use the Layout (display variant) field to choose yourpreferred display format for the ALV output list. (For example, theorder of columns in the list and predefined sort criteria or filterconditions, and so on.)
Note: You must have previously saved your own display variants toselect them using the Layout field.
Select the TemSe Output radio button to output your report dataas Temporary Sequential (TemSe) files.
The field Object identifier contains the name of the TemSe filepreviously created by this report.
Execute Report RPLABSG0_SPELLS.

You have now generated absence spells for your selected employee(s).
Using the specific fields as described under Output, you are nowable to specifically assess the nature of the different absence spellsof your employees.

See also:
Absence Costs
Absence Pattern Analysis
Absence Data Overview
SxP/OxP Absences Calendar
SxP Exclusions
SxP/OxP Payment Sheet
SxP/OxP Entitlements Left
SxP/OxP Entitlement History
SxP/OxP Entitlement Band Changes
SxP/OxP Scheme Overview