SAP Program RPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR - Fill the new MSA factor field

Fill new MSA Factor field (RPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR)

You run the Fill new MSA Factor field Report to populate the newfactor field in the payroll structure MSA (PC27J).
You run this report in two specific circumstances only:
You are directly instructed to do so via a rejection message in thepayroll log.
This will only occur for employees that were assigned MSA entries(without the factor field filled) in the previous financial year andwhere these MSA entries need recalculation during a retro over the endof the financial year.
These cases should be reasonably rare as the factor field is nowautomatically filled as part of payroll processing. In fact, thissituation will arise only if:
A new factor field is loaded very close to the end of the financialyear-end, or
The retro over the end of the financial year goes far back into thepayroll past.
Your business reports that access the amount fields in table MSA areall overstated by a factor of the payroll constant KGENAU (delivered as1000.00).
This will only be the case if you are factoring up your OxP rates inG013 and therefore have set parameter 1 of payroll function GBSXP tofactor up the SxP amount field in MSA (PC27J-AMOUN) by KGENAU as well.
The evaluations in this report are strictly based on the selectioncriteria for this report. See Activities , below.

You run this report only in one of the two circumstances above.

You can run report RPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR prior to implementing GBSxPPhase II. If you do so, the main place that you will see differences isin the Absence Calendar. The SxP amount field (which is no longerdisplayed as part of GBSxP Phase II) will be displayed incorrectly ifyou have:

  • Factored up your OxP rates in G013 and,

  • Set parameter 1 of payroll function GBSXP to factor up the SxP amount
  • field in MSA (PC27J-AMOUN) by KGENAU.
    This report can be run as part of the migration from GBSxP Phase I toGBSxP Phase II. However, it is only necessary to do this if you wish torun the new payment/cost related reports over historical results that donot have the MSA factor field filled. If you run reportRPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR in this scenario, the main place that you willsee differences is in the business reports that access the amount heldin table MSA. These reports are:
    • SxP/OxP Payment Sheet

    • Absence Costs
    • Features

      Maintain your required selection criteria for reportRPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR as described under Activities.

      You can choose to output this report in either an ABAP List Viewer (ALV)or Temporary Sequential (TemSe) format.
      If you would like to run this program for a large number of employeesand check the results, it could exceed your online run time. In thiscase, you may wish to run the program in batch mode and generate a TemSefile.

      Choose your selection criteria in the Period and Selectiongroup boxes.
      Using the following three fields contained in the group boxes NIRe-write and Results to convert, define which payroll resultsneed conversion.
      PCL 2 Start Date
      End of IN period
      FOR period start date
      Define the payroll results that you wish to convert using these fields.If you do not maintain any of the three fields, then all results will beconverted.
      Using the two fields contained in the group box Factoring By Genau
      , define the period from which your payroll results are to befactored up by GENAU.
      You define the payroll results that you wish update with the constantGENAU (read from T511K as at the pay date of the pay period that isbeing converted).
      If you do not maintain either of these two fields, then all results willbe updated with the value of 1 as the new factor.
      Set the Implement database change indicator if you wish to updatethe database during the report run.
      If you do not set this indicator, there is no update performed and tableMSA is not updated.
      In the Input options group box, you can opt to run this reportfor selected TemSe files previously created. You must specify therelevant file in the field TemSe object and set the TemSeinput indicator.
      Choose your output option for RPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR.
      Select the ALV Output radio button to output your report data inABAP List Viewer format.
      You use the Layout (display variant) field to choose yourpreferred display format for the ALV output list. (For example, theorder of columns in the list and predefined sort criteria or filterconditions, and so on.)
      Note: You must have previously saved your own display variants toselect them using the Layout field.
      Select the TemSe Output radio button to output your report dataas Temporary Sequential (TemSe) files.
      The field Object identifier contains the name of the TemSe filepreviously created by this report.
      Execute Report RPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR

      See also:
      Report RPLABSG0_FILL_MSA_FACTOR is one of the Payroll Great Britainmigration tools provided to assist you in migrating your system to GBSxPPhase II. Other similar tools include:
      SxP/OxP History Conversion Report
      SSP QDP Migration Check Report
      To view documentation on the other general PY-GB absence reporting tools
      , click on the links below:
      Absence Costs
      Absence Spells Analysis (Bradford Factor)
      Absence Pattern Analysis
      Absence Data Overview
      SxP/OxP Absences Calendar
      SxP Exclusions
      SxP/OxP Payment Sheet
      SxP/OxP Entitlements Left
      SxP/OxP Entitlement History
      SxP/OxP Entitlement Band Changes
      SxP/OxP Scheme Overview