SAP Program RPITUMVP - Pay Scale Reclassification acc. to Age or Pay Scale Membership Period

Pay Scale Reclassification According to Seniority report(RPITUMVP)

If there is a change in the seniority of the employee, this reportupdates the Pay Scale Level and subsequently the salary of the employeein Activity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509). Typically,this report is run before every payroll run.


  • The system reads the table view Pay Scale Groups (V_T510U) for
  • the next Pay Scale Level, if the employee is eligible for a change inPay Scale Level due to seniority.
    • The system reads the table view Pay Scale Groups (V_T510) for the
    • new salary if there is a change in the Pay Scale Level of the employee.


      Period tab

      • Select the period for which you want to run this report.

      • Selection tab
        • Select the employees for whom you want to run the report.

        • Control parameters tab
          • You can enter the date on which you want the pay scale reclassification
          • to take effect in the PS reclass. on key date field. In this case
            , you must also select the Reclassification acc. to dateindicator.
            • Enter NOPS as the Subtype for Basic Pay infotype.

            • Enter T as the Planned compensation type.

            • You can filter the employee selection based on Pay Scale Type, Pay Scale
            • Area, Pay Scale Group and Pay Scale Level.
              • Enter VS as the Date type for technical DoB, so that the
              • system can read Date Specifications infotype (0041) for theseniority date.
                For the seniority date, the system first reads the Seniority Datefield of Activity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) andcalculates the seniority of the employee in years. The system then readsthe date corresponding to the VS Date type in the DateSpecifications infotype (0041) and calculates the seniority of theemployee in years. The system compares the two seniority years of theemployee. The system considers the greater of the two as the senioritydate.
                Batch input tab
                • Select the Create batch input session indicator, if you want the
                • report to create a batch session. You can run this batch input sessionfrom transaction SM35 to update the system with the changes. Donot select the indicator, if you want to run the report in a test mode.


                  • If you have selected the Create batch input session indicator of
                  • the Batch input tab in the selection screen:
                    The system creates a batch input session. When you run this batch inputsession from transaction SM35, the system creates a newActivity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) record and acorresponding Recur. Payments/Deds. infotype (0014) record, ifthere is a change in the Pay Scale Level of the employee due toseniority.
                    • If you have not selected the Create batch input session
                    • indicator of the Batch input tab in the selection screen:
                      The system displays the result on the screen but will not update thesystem with the changes.