SAP Program RPITRFVP - Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input

Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input
report (RPITRFVP)

If there is a change in the amount for a paticular pay scale structure,this report creates a new Activity with Higher Rate of Payinfotype (0509) record for the employee with the updated salary.Subsequently, the report also creates a corresponding Recur.Payments/Deds. infotype (0014) record with the updated salary for theemployee.
The change in the amount could be for indirectly valuated wage types ordirectly valuated wage types. Typically, this report is run whenever youchange the amounts in either of the following table views:

  • Pay Scale Groups (V_T510) - Change in amounts of indirectly
  • valuated wage types.
    • Dynamic Pay Scale Increase (V_T510D) - Change in amounts of
    • directly valuated wage types.


      • The system reads the table view Pay Scale Groups (V_T510) for the
      • new amounts, if there is a change in the amounts of indirectlyvaluated wage types for a pay scale structure.
        • The system reads the table view Dynamic Pay Scale Increase
        • (V_T510D) for the new amounts, if there is a change in the amounts ofdirectly valuated wage types for a pay scale structure.


          Period tab

          • Select the period during which the employee must be in the payroll of
          • the company.
            Selection tab
            • Select the employees for whom you want to run the report.

            • Additiona data tab
              • Enter the date from which the increase in pay is valid as the Date
              • of standard pay increase. This date will override the dates that thesystem reads from the table views Pay Scale Groups (V_T510) andDynamic Pay Scale Increase (V_T510D).
                • Enter the Country grouping as 20.

                • Enter NOPS as the Subtype for Basic Pay infotype.

                • Enter T as the Planned compensation type.

                • You can filter the employee selection based on Pay Scale Type, Pay Scale
                • Area and Pay Scale Group.
                  • Enter the Reason for change to basic pay as 01.

                  • Enter the Event for PS reclassification as 1601.

                  • Enter the Event for std pay increase as 1602.

                  • Data relevant for batch input tab
                    • Select the Batch input indicator, if you want the report to
                    • create a batch session. You can run this batch input session fromtransaction SM35 to update the system with the changes. Do notselect the indicator, if you want to run the report in a test mode.
                      • Enter the Name of batch input session.

                      • Enter a date in the Lock batch input session until field, if you
                      • want to run the batch input session after the particular date.
                        • Select the Keep processed session indicator, if you do not want
                        • the system to automatically delete a processed batch input session.


                          • If you have selected the Batch input indicator in the selection
                          • screen:
                            The system creates a batch input session. When you run this batch inputsession from transaction SM35, the system creates a newActivity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) record and acorresponding Recur. Payments/Deds. infotype (0014) record.
                            • If you have not selected the Batch input indicator in the
                            • selection screen:
                              The system displays the result on the screen but will not update thesystem with the changes.