SAP Program RPIT25APP - Integration infotype 25: Conversion of available data

Integration infotype 25: Conversion of available data

This report converts the appraisal data from infotype 0025 (appraisals)in the appraisal system of Personnel Development.
Please ensure that no data records of other users are locked during theconversion.
The conversion includes the following system activites:

  • A Form of Appraisal
  • "performance appraisal" is created, with which allAppraisal models arelinked.
    • A Quantity scale is
    • generated with the following characteritics:
      Minimum 0
      Maximum 100000
      Increment 0,001
      Unit Points
      • An appraisal model "performance appraisal X/Y" is created for each
      • combination of personnel subarea grouping X and employee subgroupgrouping Y.
        The assignment of groupings and appraisal models is automaticallystored in table T513PAPD (see step Assign appraisal model to personnel area and subarea, employee groupand subgroup).
        • For each appraisal criterium that is used in varying combinations (X/Y
        • and X/Z) a new one is created.
          In this way objects are created with the same name, but different IDs.Appraisals that include different criteria cannot be compared with eachother.
          The appraisal criterium Quality of work is used in the followingcombinations of personnel subarea grouping and employee subgroupgrouping: X/Y und X/Z.
          A criterium Quality of work is created and linked with theappraisal model performance appraisal X/Y.
          A second criterium Quality of work is created (caution:technically these are two different objects) and linked with theappraisal model X/Z.
          • The appraisal data is transfered. In this way, the calculated total
          • values are imported as a result. If necessary, the results are rounded.The weighting factor is 1.
            The appraisals have the status in process.
            The report does not produce a 1:1 conversion. In particular, theassignment of individual personnel numbers to personnel area/subareaand employee group/subgroup as well as all notes are lost.


            The report selects from all personnel numbers. The following additionalselection parameters are available:

            • Set integration switch

              • Delete entries in PA0025

                • Test

                • INCLUDE PA_PD_PAD_APPR_TEST

                  A list of all the steps carried out is issued at the end of the report.